I live in Riverdale, Ga., where we receive low to moderate rain. What type of shrubs (low growing)will grown in a full sun area? |
Look for native or drought tolerant plants in your garden center. These will thrive in your native soil and won't mind the heat or drought. They will need to be watered regularly until their roots become established but after that will need very little water to supplement your rainfall. Some shrubs to consider include: Aesculus parvifolia - Bottlebrush buckeye; Arctostaphylos uva-ursi - Bearberry; Aronia spp. - Chokeberry; Buddleia davidii - Butterfly bush; Calluna spp. - Heather; Chaenomeles x superba - Japanese flowering quince; Clethra alnifolia - Sweet pepperbush; Comptonia peregrina ? Sweetfern; Cornus mas - Corneliancherry dogwood; Cotinus coggygria - Smokebush; Cotoneaster spp. - Cotoneaster; Erica spp. - Heath; Exochorda racemosa - Pearlbush; Forsythia sp. - Forsythia; Hydrangea paniculata - Panicle hydrangea; Hypericum prolificum - Shrubby St. John?s wort; Itea virginica - Virginia sweetspire; Myrica pensylvanica - Bayberry; Philadelphus coronarius - Mockorange; Physocarpus opulfolius - Ninebark; Potentilla fruticosa - Bush cinquefoil; Rhus spp. (aromatica, copallina, typhus) -Ornamental sumac; Rosa rugosa - Saltspray rose; Rosa virginiana - Virginia rose; Spirea spp. - Spirea, many species; Syringa spp. - Lilac; Vaccinium angustifolium - Lowbush blueberry Viburnum dentatum - Arrowwood. The plant tags will indicate the mature size of the plants so check the sizes while making your selections to make sure they will fit easily into your landscape plan. Best wishes with your new shrubs. |