I want to propagate single vine of Devils ivy. How do i do that and do i root it in water? Since i have a single vine i dont want to loose it in an attempt to propagate it |
Pothos is easy to propage and cutting off the tip of the stem won't hurt your plant. In fact, it will branch out with two stems just below the pruning cut. Just cut off the top 4-inches of the stem . Make the cut just below a rood note. The root nodes are little brown bumps protruding from the stem of the pothos. Remove the bottom leaf and set the stem in a glass of water so that the bottom node is covered by water. This is where new roots will develop. Once your cutting has developed a root system you can pot it up and you'll have a new plant. |
The easiest and quickest way to propagate Devil's Ivy will be through the process of division. Divide an existing parent plant by taking a stem and cutting it from the tip. Simply repot the new pieces somewhere else and allow for roots to form. The new plant should begin growing in no time. Another way to propagate Epipremnum Aureums would be to take a plant and simply divide it in half when reporting it. Tear the plant down the middle, separating the roots, and repot each root bundle in anew area. The plant will continue growing as before. This way the second plant will already be mature and won't require as much time to grow. I get all my info on care for my plants on this site: https://bantam.earth/devils-iv... |