Hydrangea Care - Knowledgebase Question

Walkersville, Ma
Avatar for purpleconfet
Question by purpleconfet
April 20, 2010
My hydrangea plant wilts every day w/o water. What can I put at the base of this 8 year old plant to hold in the water and aid it in soaking into ground?

Answer from NGA
April 20, 2010
Hydrangeas grow best in morning sun and afternoon shade. If yours is in full sun it will wilt in the afternoon. It doesn't need water - it's just wilting because it is protecting itself from the hot sunshine. It will recover by the next morning and look just fine. Aside from moving it to a shadier site there's nothing you can do to keep it from wilting. Don't water on a daily basis. Instead water deeply once or twice a week. Soil that's too soggy can actually suffocate the roots by driving out all the oxygen from the soil. Best wishes with your hydrangea.

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