iam growing tomatoes for the first time my nieghbor told must about the worms can take over my tomatoes what can i used to prevent that she told me seven dust i dont know and where can i find it at thankyou sandra hall |
Tomato hornworms can cause significant damage to tomato plants but they are easy to see because they are so large. Just inspect your tomato plants every day. If you see hornworms feasting you can pick them off your plants and destroy them. Or, if you see them you can use Bt which is sold as Thuricide and Dipel in your garden center. This product specifically targets caterpillars and is safe to use in your garden. Apply according to label directions. (p.s. I wouldn't use Sevin in the veggie garden! It will kill all insects and you need bees and other flying insects to transfer pollen from flower to flower or you won't get any fruit!) |