bermuda grass - Knowledgebase Question

morgan, Lo
Avatar for robinb01
Question by robinb01
May 2, 2010
Looking to find out how to get rid of bermuda grass without killing my St. Augustine?

Answer from NGA
May 2, 2010
I have observed that the two turf types often co-exist for a long time rather than one eliminating the other. Here are some points to consider regarding what conditions may favor one species or the other: In the shade, St. Augustine has the edge. In drought conditions, Bermuda has the edge. Infrequent mowing schedules may favor St. Augustine a bit. Taller mowing heights may favor St. Augustine. Bermuda is more tolerant of heavy foot traffic. I don't know of any herbicide that will kill Bermuda but not harm St. Augustine so hand pulling and digging may be your only options. Wish I had better news for you!

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