Peony's - Knowledgebase Question

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Avatar for Phatdaddy265
Question by Phatdaddy265
May 2, 2010
I just bought 3 Peony's last week and I have been watering them reguarly. This is my first time buying these plants. Since it is starting to get hot in NC, is their anything else I need to do? Do you recommend to water in the morning or evening?

Answer from NGA
May 2, 2010
Water your new peonies in the mornings and be sure to water them deeply and slowly so the water has a chance to trickle down to the roots of your plants. You should only have to water once every 3-4 days in hot weather. If you water too frequently the roots can develop rot. Check the soil's moisture level 3 days after watering by sticking your finger down into the soil. If it's still moist an inch below the surface you wont' need to water for another day or two; if the soil is dry, it's time to water. Hope this information helps!

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