Caffeine and Tomato Plants - Knowledgebase Question

Fairfax, VA
Avatar for ashchick984
Question by ashchick984
November 2, 1998
I'm doing a science project for school, on the effects of caffeine on tomato plants. Do you have any information, on past experiments where caffeine effected the growth of tomatoes in any way?

Answer from NGA
November 2, 1998
I'm not aware of any past experiments like this one. It does seem like an interesting idea to research--though I wonder if there are any "real world" applications of this. Who knows, maybe there's a greenhouse somewhere that treats all its seedlings with coffee!

Substances like caffeine (and the "heat" in hot peppers, and nicotine, etc.) are usually considered to be adaptations to ward off predators. These predators can be herbivores like grazing deer, or insects that much on the leaves. (They don't deter us humans, though, do they?!) So unless your tomatoes will have some predators to ward off, I'm not sure how or if caffeine will affect germinating seeds. Good Luck!

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