Weed driving me nuts - Knowledgebase Question

Northville, Mi
Avatar for mjmull4
Question by mjmull4
May 3, 2010
Have house off a lake in south central Michigan. A weed is infesting my garden. Appling preen in March had no impact. The weed is now 5 inches tall and growing -- has taken over where perrwinkle (sp) grows. The stem is smooth and light green.

I can send a picture if you like


Answer from NGA
May 3, 2010
It's difficult to remove a broadleaf weed from a broadleaf groundcover such as periwinkle. Anything that will control the weed will also kill your periwinkle. If this is the case, you'll need to dig and pull the weeds out. On the other hand, if it is a grassy weed, you can use a grassy weed specific weed control product such as Over The Top by Fertilome which will kill the weed without harming your periwinkle. Hope this information helps.

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