seeding and fertilizer - Knowledgebase Question

clarksville, Te
Avatar for jaimemobley
Question by jaimemobley
May 12, 2010
My husband and I have started a lawn care business and we want to make sure that we have all of our information correct for getting grass to grow for our customers. I've read the Q & A section, but there is sooo much info. that its confusing. How do we know which type of fertilizer that a lawn needs? Does it matter what kind of seed we use? Thank you for helping us with our business.

Answer from NGA
May 12, 2010
Each growing area has different turfgrass types and each type of turfgrass can have different needs and/or maintenance calendars. Rather than try to cover the entire gamut, I'm going to direct you to your local Cooperative Extension Office publications on turfgrass care. You can download and print a copy by visiting the following website:

You can also contact the University of Tennessee Extension Office if you have specific questions: 1030 Cumberland Heights Road, Ste A, Clarksville, TN 37040-6901 Phone (931) 648-5725

Armed with the above publications, you and your new business should be successful. Hope so!

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