I have moles attacking my veggies that I planted! I plan to fence the area, but need to get rid of the moles/gophers NOW! can Sweeney's mole & gopher repellent be used on vegetable gardens?? The bottle only says lawns and ornamentals, but the girl who helped us pick this out from Home Depot said yes for my veggie garden. I just want to be sure..Thank you. |
All the research I have read indicates castor bean oil is perfectly safe to use in the vegetable garden. In fact, many organic gardening books suggest you can make your own mole and squirrel deterent by mixing a solution of 1 tbsp. of castor oil and 1 tbsp. of liquid dish soap per gallon of warm warm water and spraying it on the soil (not the plants) in your flower and vegetable gardens. Critters don't like the odor, which remains in the soil for quite some time. In the mole's defense, they eat grubs and insects, not vegetable plants so if something is feeding on the plants themselves, you may be dealing with voles, not moles. If so, you can bait mouse traps with peanut butter and set them in your garden. Best wishes with your veggies! |