hardy lily sizes and campanula sizes - Knowledgebase Question

kalamazoo, MI
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Question by dfgquilter
May 30, 2010
I bought several blue campanulas last fall. I thought they were all the same height. They are blooming now and one is about 14 inches tall and one is about 24 inches. They apparently come in different sizes??

I love my yellow Bridget hardy lillies.
They are very short. What are the names of some other short hardy lillies? Thanks so much... Dorian

Answer from NGA
May 30, 2010
Campanula usually grows about 18 inches tall but some will grow taller or shorter, depending upon the plant and the growing conditions. You just happen to have a vigorous plant. If you allow it to reseed, you'll have many more tall plants next year.

There are quite a number of dwarf hardy lilies. Here's a partial list: Denia, Lillian, Crimson Pixie, Juanita, Wine Pixie, Red Pine, Lollypop, Blackbird, Apple Blossom, Buff Pixie, Orange Pixie, Pink Pixie, Cherished, China, Dawn Patrol,
Double Creamsickle, Honey Pink, Ladies Choice, Tropicana, Melissa Jamie, Mother Theresa, Petite Pink, Polar Bear, Pink Peach, Red Carpet, Smokie, Rusty, Silverwood, Snow Leopard, Virginia, Strawberry Vanilla Latte, and Tinkerbell.

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