I bought a patio plant (think it's a mandivilla vine) w/it's own trellis and now all the buds have turned brown. Should I snip them off? lots of brown leaves...don't want to shock it. help! kept it moist and other sections look good and bright. thx kris |
I think your plant is trying to adjust to its new growing environment. I'd prune the entire plant back by a few inches to promote healthy new growth. Browning buds and leaves can indicate water stress. Water thoroughly and then allow the top half inch of potting soil to dry out before you water again. Mandevillas like moist, but not soggy wet soils. If the soil remains too wet the roots can suffocate - they need oxygen as well as moisture. I think once you adjust your watering and your plant becomes accustomed to its new growing place it will develop lots of new healthy growth. Hope it's soon! |