I have placed an owl decoy on my deck, moving it every few days, to discourage a woodpecker from damaging our house. It seems to be working so far. Will the decoy also keep hummingbirds away? Seems like I haven't seen as many hummingibrds as I did previously. |
As long as there's no motion involved with the decoy, it shouldn't scare away the hummers. If it moves or if it's shiny and appears to move, it might scare them. Hummers can be really shy in that way. If you have hummingbird feeders, why not move them to another place in the garden? This way the owl should be able to do its duty and the hummers will have a place that they feel safe in visiting. Once you've discouraged the woodpecker you can store away the owl and move your feeders to their previous spot. |