Mold on my Zuchinni Leaves? - Knowledgebase Question

Westminster, Ca
Avatar for craftingfory
Question by craftingfory
June 8, 2010
I purchased my Plants at Home Depot, and they looked fine for about 3 weeks. Now they have developed moldy mildew on the larger leaves. What can I do about this?
Thank you,

Answer from NGA
June 8, 2010
Summer squash is prone to developing powdery mildew so your best control is to provide perfect growing conditions for your plants and to prune off any infected leaves as soon as you notice them. You can spray your zucchini with a neem oil based product such as BioNeem to protect the uninfected leaves. Since Powdery mildew is most common when plants are getting too much shade, make sure yours are in full sunlight and your plants are not overcrowded. Poor air circulation can also invite fungal diseases. Hope your plants recover!

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