Cat Friendly Plants - Knowledgebase Question

Phoenix, Ar
Avatar for kheckard
Question by kheckard
June 9, 2010
Can you recommend a list of cat friendly plants I can use in planters on a screened in patio that I can find in phoenix, arizona this time of year?

We have started with window boxes full of alfalfa & catnip to disguise the litter boxes.

Answer from NGA
June 9, 2010
It is a little difficult to suggest plants because most of the heat loving, drought tolerant annuals and perennials need at least a little direct sunshine. A screened patio probably will provide at least a few hours of sunshine. If so, you can plant sedums of all kinds, phlox, portulaca, salvia, aloe, Japanese blood grass, and plumeria. I have snail vine and duranta in containers in mostly shady sites on a screened patio. They take the heat and if the light is bright enough they will flower for you. Sago palms will also perform well. Hope these suggestions are helpful.

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