I have a flowering maple tree which sits in front of a big picture window. It is about 4 feet tall now. I have cut it back numerous times to get fuller foliage, but it doesn't flower. What am I doing wrong? |
Abutilon, Flowering Maple, is generally easy to grow indoors. Give it average household temperatures, except in winter when it prefers a range of 50F - 60F degrees. Keep it in a well lit spot where it will receive a few hours of sunlight each day. Water sparingly in the winter and liberally during spring, summer and autumn. To keep it neat, cut it back to about half its size in the winter. This will encourage new flowering stems in the springtime. You can allow your Flowering Maple to spend the summer outdoors, where it should bloom from spring through autumn. Winter is the natural resting time for the plant and it probably won't produce new leaves or flower buds. If you follow the above guidelines, your plant should flower next spring. |