Dividing Philodendrons - Knowledgebase Question

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Question by bherman7
January 5, 1999
How can I divide an overgrown philodendron?

Answer from NGA
January 5, 1999
There are many kinds of philodendrons and we classify them as either climbers or non-climbers. The climbers don't usually need division, but you can propagate them by taking cuttings in the spring and rooting them in water or moist potting soil. The non-climbing kinds have a tendency to form clumps at the base of the plant and can be divided by unpotting and cutting the rootmass into sections, each with a stem attached. Repot the divisions into individual pots of fresh, moist potting soil. I've had great success just laying the plant on its side and cutting through it from stem to rootmass with a sharp knife. Try not to bruise the foliage or roots during the separation. The process should be painless for your plant and you'll probably end up with a number of new philodendrons which will recover quickly.

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