Sprouts not growing - Knowledgebase Question

Pleasantville, Ne
Avatar for tripsppat
Question by tripsppat
June 24, 2010
I planted mixed cut flowers seeds in Mid May. All the seeds germinated very well.But sprouts grew 2 inches,skinny, leaned on soil and now drying up.I spray water mist.My patio get direct sunlight only 2 hrs in late afternoon.I have used scott potting mix.Please advice on why sprouts are not growing strong.Is sunlight not enough?

Answer from NGA
June 24, 2010
Skinny or leggy seedlings indicate not enough light - the little plants are reaching for the sunshine. When the stems collapse and fall onto the soil it usually indicates a fungal disease has gotten to them because the top of the soil remained too wet and/or the air circulation was poor. I don't think your seedlings will recover and it might be better to toss them, including the potting soil and start all over again. Cut flowers usually need full sunshine. If all you can offer is two hours of sunshine each day you might want to plant shade loving annuals instead of sun loving annuals. Try impatiens, lobelia, begonias, etc. Wish I could be more encouraging about your cut flowers.

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