The Green Pages: B & D Lilies (E-Commerce Companies)

Main Details
E-Mail: Contact them
Phone: (360) 765-4341
Physical address: B&D Lilies
PO Box 2007
Port Townsend, WA 98368

E-Commerce Companies
Main Product(s): Fertilizer
Hardware and Tools

Reviews and Endorsements:
Endorsed by Deebie without a written review - Jan 23, 2017 1:26 PM
Endorsed by Lilydaydreamer without a written review - Jan 22, 2017 1:35 PM
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B & D Lilies was one of the very first places I purchased lily bulbs over 10 years ago. It has an outstanding reputation for great bulbs. Everything I purchased was very healthy. Nice sized bulbs. They have a great variety and prices are very reasonable.

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Endorsed by pixie62560 without a written review - Jan 19, 2017 6:45 PM
Endorsed by ReigningRoses without a written review - Jan 18, 2017 2:24 PM
Endorsed by Kabby without a written review - Jan 18, 2017 1:53 PM
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B&D lily bulbs are bigger and more robust than lily bulbs I've received from other vendors. The selection is exceptional, offering even the hard-to-find martagon lilies. I've ordered orienpets and martagons and I have been extremely pleased with the purchases.

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I bought from B& D lilies two years ago and I was very happy with my choices. Everything bloomed well.

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I have purchased from B&D several times and have always been pleased with their bulbs. They are so gracious dealing with questions. I definitely recommend them. And the postage to Alaska isn't outrageous.

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I have meant to order from B&D for at least 6 years. I never got around to it for one reason or another. FINALLY, this year I ordered. I have not received my bulbs yet, but already I have to say customer service is out of this world! My budget was limited, but I look forward to ordering again next year!

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Endorsed by Joebass without a written review - May 20, 2014 6:16 PM
Endorsed by TennesseeDave without a written review - May 20, 2014 5:45 PM
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I've been buying from B&D for years and I've never had a problem! They grow what they sell, so I'm always assured of getting the freshest bulbs that are true to name. Good people. Website contains a wealth of interesting information. A 2010 photo of a newly planted El Condor is attached.
Thumb of 2013-10-22/Roosterlorn/5992cc

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Great selection of lilies, I've been ordering from them for years. They send large bulbs and have good packaging. Have a beautiful catalog with lots of good information about their lilies. Starting with a $50 order you get free bulbs, larger orders get more bulbs. They also have web only specials that are not listed in their catalog.

Here is one of their Orienpet Hybrid Lilies 'Conca d' Or'
Thumb of 2013-02-14/goldfinch4/967ff0

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