Honey Bees in the Garden: March

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Posted by @Mindy03 on
March is here with its abundance of sprouting bulbs, swelling buds, and early blossoms. The temperatures are warmer and gardeners are busy getting early crops and flowers planted. Honey bees are zipping to and fro from the hives, searching out the earliest blossoms for the collection of nectar and pollen.

March is full of signs that spring is near with bulbs showing their greenery and buds swelling on shrubs and trees.  Honey bees have been flying out in search of nectar and pollen on days the temperature and weather are favorable for them. 

January's plants are mostly winding down along with some of February's plants.  March brings us new plants to enjoy.


Meadow Rue-Pollen

Common Aubreita (Purple Rockcress)-Nectar and Pollen

Species Tulip-Pollen

Chinese Skimmia-Nectar and Pollen

Spring Squill-Nectar and Pollen2011-03-03/Mindy03/0291fd2011-03-03/Mindy03/52958c

Saxifraga-Nectar and Pollen 

Red Flowering Currant-Nectar, Pollen and Honeydew

Yoshino Cherry-Nectar and Pollen

Blackthorn-Nectar and Pollen

Grape Hyacinth-Nectar and Pollen

Star Magnolia-Pollen

Korean Forsythia-Nectar and Pollen

Biscay Heath-Nectar and Pollen

Leopard's Bane-Nectar and Pollen

Chinese Bergenia-Pollen

                                                                                      Rose Rockcress-Nectar and Pollen

                                                                                      Wood Anemone-Pollen

                                                                                      Blue Anemone-Pollen

Hickory-Pollen and Honeydew2011-03-03/Mindy03/2a91e4

Gorse-Nectar and Pollen

Virginia Spiderwort-Nectar and Pollen

Baby Blue Eyes-Nectar

Oregon Grape-Nectar and Pollen 


Marsh Marigold (Cowslip)-Nectar and Pollen Pigsqueak-Pollen


 Nectar and Pollen are especially important to honey bees this month.  They need to replace all that was lost during the winter.  And the more different sources of nectar and pollen they have available means the heatlhier they will be. 


Help your local honey bees spring to healthy numbers by planting as many of these plants as you can in your yard. 


Photos courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

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