Honey Bees in the Garden: June

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Posted by @Mindy03 on
June brings the end of school, Father's Day and summer. Summer brings hot weather and plants may need extra water. Honey bees will also need extra water to keep the hive cool.

June is the beginning of summer and lazy days in the sun.  Honey bees will be spending a lot of time trying to cool the hive as the temperatures rise.  Foraging for nectar and pollen may slow down during hot days.  There's still plenty of plants to provide nectar and pollen for honey bees not on water foraging duty.  Here's a list of plants that begin blooming in June.

                                                                Wild Alfalfa Nectar
                                                                Anthemis Nectar Pollen
                                                                Globe Artichoke Nectar
False Banana Nectar, Pollen2011-06-01/Mindy03/302383
Virginia Mountain Mint Nectar
Smooth Beard Tongue Nectar
Beggar's ticks Nectar
Bearded Bell Flower Nectar, Pollen
Bladder Senna Nectar, Pollen
Red Buckeye Nectar, Pollen
Common Bugloss Nectar, Pollen
Shrubby Cinquefoil Nectar, Pollen
Fountain Butterfly Bush Nectar
Buttonbush, Honey Bells Nectar
Chinese Forget Me Not Nectar
Castor Bean Pollen
Faassen's Catnip Nectar, Pollen
Giant Catmint Nectar, Pollen
St. John's Chamomile Nectar, Pollen
American Chestnut Pollen, Honeydew
American Waterlily Pollen
Chives Nectar, Pollen
Himaylayan Cinequefoil Nectar, Pollen
Solitary Clematis Pollen
Chenault Coralberry Nectar, Pollen2011-06-01/Mindy03/7208b5
Daisy Bush Nectar, Pollen
Silky Dogwood Nectar, Pollen
American Black Elder Pollen
Tufted Evening Primrose Pollen
Hardy Fuschia Nectar, Pollen
Golden 2011-06-01/Mindy03/c60e7aGarlic Nectar, Pollen
Trumpet Gentian Nectar, Pollen
Golden Marguerite Nectar, Pollen
Gypsyflower Nectar, Pollen
Japanese Honeysuckle Nectar, Pollen
Climbing Hydrangea Nectar, Pollen
Impatiens Nectar, Pollen
Boston Ivy Nectar
Lady's Mantle Nectar, Pollen
Portugal Laurel Nectar, Pollen
Pink Lily Leek Nectar, Pollen
Lemon Balm Nectar, Pollen
Sweet White Water Lily Pollen
Purple Loosestrife Nectar, Pollen
Love In A Mist Pollen
Hollyhock Mallow Nectar, Pollen
Malope Nectar, Pollen2011-06-01/Mindy03/47fa45
Black Mangrove Nectar 
Meadowsweet Pollen
Honeyvine Milkweed Nectar
Nettle-leaved Mullein Nectar, Pollen
Flowering Onion Nectar, Pollen
Cabbage Palm Nectar, Pollen
Peruvian Lily Nectar, Pollen
Wagon Wheel Phlox Pollen
Pincushion Flower Nectar, Pollen
American Buckwheat vine Nectar, Pollen
Nuttall's Thistle Nectar
Sourwood Nectar
Partridge Pea Nectar
Chinese Chaste Tree Nectar
Annual Ragweed Pollen
Ornamental Thistle Nectar, Pollen
Wild Thyme Nectar
Chinese Stranvaesia Nectar, Pollen
Dragon's blood Stonecrop Nectar
Silverweed Cinquefoil Nectar, Pollen
Nepal Cinquefoil Nectar, Pollen
Wagon Wheel Phlox Pollen
Shirley Poppy Pollen
Mountain Holly Nectar, Pollen
Narrow leaf Primrose Pollen
Ozark Sundrops Pollen
Welsh Poppy Nectar, Pollen
Alpine Toadflax Nectar, Pollen
Redhot Poker Nectar, Pollen
Evergreen Candytuft Nectar, Pollen
St John's Wort Pollen
Armenian Cranesbill Nectar, Pollen
Gaillardia Nectar, Pollen2011-06-01/Mindy03/f8f118
Cross leaved Heath Nectar, Pollen
Bell Heather Nectar, Pollen
Chamois Ragwort Nectar, Pollen
Sweet William Nectar
Bridal Wreath Deutzia Pollen
Threadleaf Coreoposis Nectar, Pollen
Golden Tickseed Nectar, Pollen
Sweet Sultan Nectar, Pollen
Cornflower Nectar, Pollen
Barberry Nectar, Pollen
East Indies Aster Nectar, Pollen
Star of Persia Nectar, Pollen
Nodding Onion Nectar, Pollen
Balkin Yarrow Nectar
Gold Moss Sedum Nectar
Virginal Mock Orange Nectar, Pollen
Varigata Hebe Nectar
Smoketree Nectar

When the weather is hot and humid, the honey bees will forage during the cooler morning and evening hours.   They will spend the hottest part of the day foraging for water to keep the hive cool.  They like to hang out on the outside of their hive to cool off during the evening.  Give your local honey bees some help by providing fresh cool water to help them keep cool as well as plants to feed them. 

Scroll over pictures for information about them. 

Photos of mullien and chives courtesy of Robin Brann (arejay59)

Photos of honey bee feeder courtesy of Charleen (Ridesredmule)

Comments and Discussion
Thread Title Last Reply Replies
Bees by Zenni Dec 12, 2020 10:05 PM 1
Honey Bee Feeder by LindaTX8 Jun 6, 2011 8:51 AM 4

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