The American Hemerocallis Society

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Posted by @daylily on
The following information was written by and is courtesy of Julie Covington, President of the American Hemerocallis Society, and appears on the AHS website. It is copyrighted by The American Hemerocallis Society.

Thumb of 2012-09-27/daylily/559124 The American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. (AHS) is a non-profit organization founded in 1946. The AHS is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes, and especially to promote, encourage, and foster the development and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis and public interest therein. Our official 2011 membership count as of September 1, 2011, was 7,769 members, including life members, youth members and international members from 25 different countries.

Join the American Hemerocallis Society and receive The Daylily Journal. Four issues each year. The Journal is a colorful, informative magazine featuring pictures of new cultivars; how-to articles on care, feeding, and hybridizing; and news of upcoming AHS meetings and conventions.

Other membership benefits include:

An opportunity to attend regional meetings and national conventions which offer garden tours, lectures, judges' clinics and workshops, and a chance to see the newest and best of today's daylilies.

Regional newsletters (usually two to four published annually) for the area in which you live.

A Round Robin department for members wishing to correspond with others sharing common interests in different types of daylilies (e.g., doubles, miniatures, spiders, etc.); there is even an E-mail Round Robin whose Robin Leader is our webmaster, Tim Fehr.

An invitation to exhibit at AHS-accredited local flower shows.

The privilege of visiting AHS display gardens throughout the country.

A Media library; selected programs made available for a nominal fee.

A new member’s only Portal which offers the latest in technology for members, presented in a “social network” setting. Members may share images, videos, participate in forums and regional groups, create blogs, collaborate and connect with other AHS members from all over the world.

The American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. (AHS) is a non-profit organization. The AHS is organized exclusively for educational and scientific purposes, and especially to promote, encourage, and foster the development and improvement of the genus Hemerocallis and public interest therein. These purposes are expressly limited so that AHS qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future U.S. Internal Revenue Law.

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An Illustrated Guide to Daylilies by possea Jun 25, 2017 10:04 AM 1

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