American Hemerocallis Society Daylily Club: Exhibitions and Meetings

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Posted by @daylily on
One way to find daylilies that will grow well in your area is to attend an AHS Daylily Show.

AHS Daylily Clubs hold Exhibitions and shows all over the country. This page on the AHS website will be updated with the show schedule for 2013 as the information becomes available. The shows are held in malls, meeting halls, hotel lobbies and other places that are easy for the public to access. Educational materials are usually available at shows, as are flyers and catalogs from hybridizers and sellers.

Dances With Giraffes (Reed - M.)

There are several ways daylilies are shown. Each scape is placed in an individual vase, then arranged according to classes. Some clubs also have classes for daylilies used in floral arrangements and for individual blooms.

Fabulous Frieda (Kirchhoff - D.)

The host clubs sometimes hold daylily sales in conjunction with their exhibits. They might purchase daylilies specifically to sell, or they might have members bring in extra plants and donate to the sale. Daylily Club sales are an excellent way to buy quality plants at affordable prices.

While you are there, think about joining your local club. This page shows the various regions within AHS. Click on your region and you will go to a page where all the region's officers and daylily clubs are listed. Most clubs have website addresses where you can go for more information.

There are many advantages to being a member of a local club. Many clubs bring in guest speakers, usually hybridizers. The hybridizers often bring some of their introductions with them to donate to the club, which are then auctioned off. You can get some really great plants this way! In addition, many clubs have guest plant programs. They purchase the plants for members to grow for a certain number of years. There are different setups and rules in each club.

Networking at your local club is a great way to find other daylily growers to trade plants with.

Possible Side Effects (Rice - J.)

The AHS also holds winter and summer meetings in the various regions. Some of these meetings are quite large, such as the Region 2 Winter meeting or Region 10's Mid-Winter Symposium. Each offers 3 days of speakers, auctions, gatherings - fun and very educational. If you are interested in daylilies, I encourage you to attend one of the meetings/symposiums. It is a wonderful way to learn more about America's favorite perennial and meet some new friends too! This page lists the meeting schedule, with contact information.

Get Jiggy (Stamile - P.)

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Wonderful by tink3472 Oct 13, 2012 7:22 AM 5

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