Member Ideas by nativeplantlover

My Passion in the Garden, Take a PeekMy Passion in the Garden, Take a Peek
By nativeplantlover on June 23, 2021

You love your garden in bloom right now, don't you? Me too. It's heartwarming to know that so many people have an inborn love of botanical nature! The NGA hosts some positively amazing photographs! With hundreds of thousands of pictures to peruse, our joy in nature is clearly evident.

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Light and Darkness in Our EnvironmentLight and Darkness in Our Environment
By nativeplantlover on July 4, 2020

Can we discuss LIGHT? -Not natural sunlight or how much you need or don't need for plants to grow properly, but the light that we as humans beings generate, especially in the last 50 years or so. Could you take a moment to think over your relationship with light in your gardens and on your property?

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Make a Hobbit House -- It's Easy!Make a Hobbit House -- It's Easy!
By nativeplantlover on September 2, 2016

Create a Hobbit house for the kids, or for the big kid in you!

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Bee-Friendly, Smart Way To Provide Water for Our PollinatorsBee-Friendly, Smart Way To Provide Water for Our Pollinators
By nativeplantlover on July 29, 2016

Everyone knows that bees, wasps, and other small insects work hard to collect nectar and pollen, but did you know that, like the birds, they also need a source of water?

(Full article26 comments)

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