The Top Recommended Varieties of Citrus Fruits

Meyer's Lemon (Citrus x limon 'Improved Meyer')

My Meyer is kept in a container and spends winter indoors by a sunny sliding glass door. But it doesn't like sudden changes in light, so it spends 2 weeks in part shade and 2 weeks in full shade before being brought indoors. This process is reversed in the spring.

Meyer's Lemon (<i>Citrus x limon</i> 'Improved Meyer')
Lemon (Citrus x limon)

This vigorous citrus has a more "weepy" nature and tends to have fewer thorns than its brethren. Space 15-20 feet apart. If trimmed, can be held to 6-8 feet tall. This variety is more drought tolerant and less fussy in terms of pH (withstands more alkaline soils). Susceptible to root rot (avoid over-watering), scab, and leaf miners. Bears fruit November through the winter - fruit can be left hanging on the tree for months.

Lemon (<i>Citrus x limon</i>)
Kumquat (Citrus japonica)

This edible fruit is grown on a shrub or small tree. It is native to southern China. The fruit can be round or oval in various shades of yellow to orange. The peel is sweeter than the inside, which is rather sour.

Kumquat (<i>Citrus japonica</i>)
Grapefruit (Citrus x aurantium)

Grapefruit (once known as Citrus x paradisi, but now redefined as a synonym of Citrus x aurantium) is a cross between a pomelo and a sweet orange, both parents being of Asian or Indonesian origin.

Grapefruit (<i>Citrus x aurantium</i>)
Japanese Hardy Orange (Citrus trifoliata 'Flying Dragon')

A dwarf variety with curly stems and hooked thorns. Germinates in 3-8 weeks but the seeds should remain moist prior to planting for best germination. Will come true 95% of the time from seed. 'Flying Dragon' is often used as the rootstock on grafted citrus due to its dwarfing abilities, disease resistance and cold-hardiness.

Japanese Hardy Orange (<i>Citrus trifoliata</i> 'Flying Dragon')
Japanese Hardy Orange (Citrus trifoliata)

Drought tolerant once established. Often used to form a "living barbed-wire fence." Good choice for livestock containment, privacy boundary due to the wicked thorns.

Japanese Hardy Orange (<i>Citrus trifoliata</i>)
Citron (Citrus medica)

A fruit better known to most consumers in its preserved rather than in its natural form. Slow growing shrub or small tree reaching 8 to 15 ft (2.4-4.5 m) high, with stiff branches and stiff twigs and short or long spines in the leaf axils.

Citron (<i>Citrus medica</i>)
Mandarin Orange (Citrus reticulata 'Clementine')

I've got a problem. Some leaves are yellow and the fruit is beginning to yellow. Any ideas what is going on?

Mandarin Orange (<i>Citrus reticulata</i> 'Clementine')

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