The Top Recommended Varieties of Yarrows

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Honey bees get nectar from this plant.

Yarrow (<i>Achillea millefolium</i>)
Yarrow (Achillea 'Moonshine')

Prune hard in fall or late winter to 6" from the crown to promote fresh leaf growth.

Yarrow (<i>Achillea</i> 'Moonshine')
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Paprika')

Very hardy plant. I missed watering it through 90º+ weather and it bounced back with no problems and even rebloomed.

Yarrow (<i>Achillea millefolium</i> 'Paprika')
Yarrow (Achillea Desert Eve™ Terracotta)

I loved this plant until a few years ago when it became so invasive I couldn't keep up with the deadheading.

Yarrow (<i>Achillea</i> Desert Eve™ Terracotta)
Fern-Leaf Yarrow (Achillea filipendulina 'Coronation Gold')

Deadhead after blooms dry out for continuous blooming. Usually deer resistant.

Fern-Leaf Yarrow (<i>Achillea filipendulina</i> 'Coronation Gold')
Yarrow (Achillea ptarmica 'The Pearl')

Out of several cultivar seeds, this is the only yarrow I winter sowed that bloomed this year. It came true and I definitely liked the delicate look of the flowers, so different than the flat-topped yarrows, But it was only a small clump, so I'll look forward to it next year to compare with the flat-topped white yarrow I also planted in another area of the garden. My little plant bloomed once and I let it set seed rather than deadheading, so I didn't get a good estimate of bloom time.

Yarrow (<i>Achillea ptarmica</i> 'The Pearl')
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Strawberry Seduction')

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a larval host plant for the Painted Lady butterfly. It also has special value to native bees, and supports conservation biological control by attracting beneficial insects to the garden, including lacewings, hoverflies, parasitic mini-wasps, and ladybugs. These beneficial insects feed on a variety of common garden pests.

Yarrow (<i>Achillea millefolium</i> 'Strawberry Seduction')
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Cerise Queen')

I see the other photos for this cultivar show much more vibrant colors than mine. I wonder if this is perhaps due to soil ph - my soil being pretty alkaline. Mine will fade to a washed out, pale blush of pink by the time they're about done blooming in the rather poor, sandy soil where I have planted these.

Yarrow (<i>Achillea millefolium</i> 'Cerise Queen')
Greek Yarrow (Achillea ageratifolia)

Honey bees get nectar from this plant.

Greek Yarrow (<i>Achillea ageratifolia</i>)
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Salmon Beauty')

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Salmon Beauty') has delicate, but wooly foliage. It performs well in hot afternoon sun, even in the narrow foundation border garden. Here in Zone 6a, Yarrow (Achillea millefolium 'Salmon Beauty') spreads nicely, and blooms prolifically all summer. It seems to attract more flies than bees, lol!

Yarrow (<i>Achillea millefolium</i> 'Salmon Beauty')

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