Use our "mug shots" to identify pest problems in your garden. Click on names for photos and complete descriptions. On this page you will find sections for bugs, diseases and animal pests.
» View photo index of all bugs, with explanations! «
Tomato Hornworm Codling Moth Cabbageworm Pickleworm Corn Earworm Cabbage Looper
Lady Beetle Parasitic Wasp Green Lacewing
Whitefly Aphid Mealybug Scale Spider Mite Thrips Leafminer
Colorado Potato Beetle Cucumber Beetle Curculio Japanese Beetle Mexican Bean Beetle Flea Beetle Asparagus Beetle Corn Rootworm Sweet Potato Weevil
Squash Vine Borer Peach Tree Borer European Corn Borer
Cutworm Root Maggot Wire Worm Fire Ant Earwig Nematode Slugs and Snails
Tarnished Plant Bug Squash Bug Stink Bug
Note: Diseases are categorized by plant part affected.
Angular Leaf Spot Bacterial Blight Bacterial Spot Bacterial Wilt Corn Leaf Blights Downy Mildew Early Blight Late Blight Powdery Mildew Septoria Leaf Spot White Mold
Club Root
Blossom End Rot Catfacing & Growth Cracks Corn Smut Phytophthora Fruit Rot Potato Scab
Chipmunks & Squirrels Mice, Voles, & Rats Gophers Woodchucks Opossums Raccoons Skunks Rabbits Armadillo Moles
Coyotes Bears Deer
Birds Cats & Dogs Snakes
Animal Fencing Animal Trapping
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