sallyg's plant: Elephant Ear (Colocasia esculenta 'Black Runner')

Database link: Elephant Ear (Colocasia esculenta 'Black Runner')

Status: Have

Categorized under:
potted tropicals

Comments by sallyg
could be black magic tho, is not ruffled but does run a couple runners each year even from a pot. Likes to bloom, resists dormancy, can take runner tips and start new babies. Prone to mites.
2019 looked very sick, I finally unpotted, tuber rotted, kept tiny cuttings/tips and one good sprout.
2023, Number of babies different ages this year. Leaves are dark green, no longer get that near black, while runners are dark purple near black. Hard to keep happy in pots, even in ground while it has a few HUGE leaves this year, they got bad areas, don't know why.
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