Blondmyk's Plant List

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A huge agave in a container

Huachuca Agave (Agave parryi var. huachucensis)
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(Love to have)

mature tree in summer

Pawpaw (Asimina triloba)
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(Love to have)
Unsure of how this would do in the S Texas Coast with our semi-salt soil? Perhaps this would do better in Central Iowa, which is my home area. Should I wait for when I travel back? Advice appreciated!

Pink flowered form.

Avonia quinaria subsp. alstonii
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(Absolute must-have)


Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)
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May possibly have a few. The plant I purchased has TEN of the clumped together and that is WAY too many to grow together, even if they are prized in clumps like that. If I can successfully separate three or four of them I'll put them up for sale.
October 8, 2014: Transplanted (6-1-15--all plants still alive, but only about half seem to be thriving. Only plants with more than one plant in the pot seem to be doing exceptionally well and showing growth. Plants have a difficulty with staying rooted, which I find interesting. I know you don't want to get the foot underground, but the roots that grow from under the foot just don't want to stay in the soil! Ugh.)

New Orleans Lady

Angel's Trumpet (Brugmansia 'New Orleans Lady')
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(Absolute must-have)

Had only one pod and I had thought that a bad storm had washed th

Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima)
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New seedlings. Probably won't have seeds until late next summer or fall.

Example of flowers and foliage on my Evergreen Wisteria

Evergreen Wisteria (Callerya reticulata)
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Trumpet Vine on strong Arbor in flower.

Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans)
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Canna Lily (Canna 'Yellow King Humbert')
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Having trouble with this one in it's pot. Not available until I figure out what my problem with it seems to be. It's not talking to me right now.

Interesting shot of Canna Indica seed pod just beginning to open

Canna Lily (Canna indica)
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Trade as plant
Trade as seed
Sell as plant
Sell as seed
Plants are larger so more difficult to ship...would require larger packaging. September 12, 2014: Miscellaneous Event (Transplanted approximately 10 new plants into the bed of Canna Indica I have currently planted in the Backyard attained from Apt 5's front yard from under their A/C. Plants seem to have taken the transplant well.)
September 29, 2014: Miscellaneous Event (First new flowers have appeared since the transplant. I also had Cannus Cleopatra blooming, so I took the opportunity to attempt a cross pollination. I have marked the pollinated bloom on Cannus Indica by using a twisty tie. Hopefully I'll get seeds.)
October 7, 2014: Miscellaneous Event (I noticed that the seed pods have developed! While I'm unsure of what I will get, it should be interesting to see if the cross pollination took, or if another Indica flower pollinated the flower as well as what I did. There are a lot of blooms out there right now, and a total of 7 seed sacks growing, all still very green.


Old Man of Mexico (Cephalocereus senilis)
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October 9, 2014: Transplanted (Transplanted to larger pot using 6" pot and Miracle Gro Cactus, Palm and Citrus soil mix with extra Perlite added for extra drainage. Current plant height is 7.25" and the plant has grown approx. 3" total during the Spring and Summer of 2014.

 3:56 pm. A dramatic change: from green leaves to a burnt red.

Leadwort (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides)
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September 19, 2014: Potted up (Removed the 7-Up bottle greenhouse from the cutting and am allowing it to take sun and water naturally, without benefit of spraying daily as I do with other cuttings.)
October 10, 2014: Miscellaneous Event (Plant seems to be doing well. I've noticed new branching from the base of the plant that wasn't there when I started. The plant must be rooted and is surviving nicely in potting soil.


Starfish Plant (Ceropegia gigantea)
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Sell as plant

In my garden

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)
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Trade as plant
Trade as cutting
Sell as plant
Sell as cutting


Key Lime (Citrus x aurantiifolia)
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My father had one and now I have one started from a cutting. Yay!


Mexican Heather (Cuphea hyssopifolia 'Allyson Deep Rose')
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Example of King Sago "Pups".  These are freshly dug, uncleaned, a

Sago Palm (Cycas revoluta)
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Trade as plant
Trade as root
Sell as plant
Sell as root
Currently have 4 pups "curing", one of which is a 6" size.
October 1, 2014: Obtained plant (Obtained 4 pups from an aged Mother plant at 1134 Central st in front parking area. A week later I discovered a much larger 8" pup there as well. All of these are curing on the back porch...cleaned and allowing the scabs to dry over.)
October 24, 2014: Potted up (Planted three of the four pups today in pots that I deemed of appropriately small size for the pups. They only require a little space to grow and do not appreciate larger pots. They seem to have dried successfully and I'm hoping that I haven't let them dry for too long. Some of them look like expanded pine cones. It should be interesting to see how they do. I used standard Miracle Gro potting soil with an over abundance of perlite added additionally. Next transplant they will be introduced to the native sandy soil.)

Example of a "Thornapple" from "Datura Metel"--Triple Black Curra

Devil's Trumpet (Datura metel 'Black Currant Swirl')
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Trade as plant
Trade as seed
Not legal to ship to some states. Please consult your local lists of banned plants. October 10, 2014: Maintenance performed (Have had these plants for years now, but have not been allowing them to create thornapples in favor of increased blooming. I started with 76 plants and am now down to 2. I'm allowing three thornapples to ripen on the vines in attempt to create fresh seed stock again.)

Variegated cultivar

Dragon Tree (Dracaena reflexa var. angustifolia)
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Golden Pothos (Epipremnum 'Golden Queen')
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