Chantell's Plant List: Glorious Gardenias

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Viewing all plants in the category: Glorious Gardenias

Image Plant Status Notes Events
  Gardenia 'Swan Queen'
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Glorious Gardenias
Left Side Yard - beauties
April 15, 2021: Obtained plant (Purchased from Lowes planted along left tree-line)
  Gardenia 'Sweetheart'
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Glorious Gardenias
Left Side Yard - beauties
Purchased from Lowes plants on left of house along tree line June 5, 2021: Obtained plant

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides 'Celestial Star')
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Glorious Gardenias
Right Side Yard - Pretties
August 27, 2022: Obtained plant (Purchased from Lowes. Planted back right flower bed beside sun-room)


Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides 'Chuck Hayes')
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Glorious Gardenias
Green Springs Gardens sale May 19, 2007: Obtained plant (Planted in ground against front of TH - center)
September 5, 2015: Maintenance performed (Removed much of clematis growing up and around...hoping this will provide growing room so it will flower.)
May 29, 2016: Maintenance performed (Still trying to salvage this little gal...staking/pruning...removing more ground cover around her. Appears she has a few buds.)
November 1, 2020: Miscellaneous Event (Sold TH and moved.)

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides 'Daisy')
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Glorious Gardenias
Left Side Yard - beauties
May 9, 2021: Obtained plant (Purchased from Walmart and planted in tree line to left of house)


Gardenia jasminoides 'Double Mint'
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Front Yard Fickleness
Glorious Gardenias
4/23/2022 Purchased from Lowes. Will place in front right flower bed. Blooms smell amazing!!! April 23, 2022: Obtained plant

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides First Editions® Sweet Tea™)
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Glorious Gardenias
Right Side Yard - Pretties
August 27, 2022: Obtained plant (Purchased from Lowes - planted in back right flower bed beside sun-room.)

New bloom

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides 'Frostproof')
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Glorious Gardenias
Left Side Yard - beauties
Southern States - never had much luck with this variety.

2nd one purchased from Walmart
May 13, 2016: Obtained plant (Planted in center of upper flower bed in front of 'Chuck Hayes')
May 15, 2021: Obtained plant (Ended up buying and planting in left side yard amongst the trees.)
April 30, 2023: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (Didn't make it)

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides Pinwheel®)
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Glorious Gardenias
Lowes May 29, 2016: Transplanted (Originally purchase ? 2 years ? ago. Has never flowered. Moved to sunnier location lower left of rock garden area.)
November 1, 2020: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (Miscellaneous Event (Sold TH and moved.))


Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans')
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Glorious Gardenias
Left Side Yard - beauties
April 18, 2021: Obtained plant (Purchased from Walmart or Lowes planted in tree-line to left of house.)

Beautiful bloom after a rain...

Gardenia (Gardenia jasminoides 'Shooting Star')
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Glorious Gardenias
Flower Scent Gardens (no longer in business). Would LOVE to have one of these again. June 16, 2007: Obtained plant
November 1, 2020: Miscellaneous Event (Sold TH and moved)

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