Kevalsha's Plant List

A note from Kevalsha
I like to grow a variety of plants from trees to many ground-covers. I also grow annuals and vegetables. I always find places for more plants. Using containers for those that need protection from frost and are used as house plants is a good idea. Many climbing varieties grow on my trees including a vanilla orchid that grows on a camphor tree and is hanging in there for the past two winters. I try to create barriers that make protected areas for plants that would normally would not survive the elements in my area.

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  Adenium Obesum dark red
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Cactus & Succulents
I purchased this desert rose from a vendor in Eustis about a week ago today.
My adenium obesum dark red is now recuperating from "lack of care". It is having some leaves and hopefully will flower soon.


Aji Cachucha
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Amaryllis Papillio
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This is one of my favorite. August 31, 2021: This year the lubbers have eaten these and they did not flower for two years on a row. I still have hope to see flowers in the future as the bulbs have multiplied.


Annato or Achiote
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These are fantastic to use as a summer hedge. I have been blessed as after a few years I have been able to collect many seeds from them in zone 9 Florida.

One of my achiote bushes grew too big so I had to cut it down or remove it. Two others had to be cut down to one foot tall as they were interfering with the avocados and actually with one of our fig trees. 10-17-2021

The annatto next the street is putting out flower buds. This will be enough for me to make the annatto oil for dyeing foods such as rice and put more coloring on the "pasteles" if I ever feel brave.


Bridal Wreath Frangipani
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This frangipani is in the front garden and I have pruned it so it grows bushier. 10-17-2021: Today my Bridal Wreath Frangipani is flowering.


Brugmansia Suaveolens
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I now have 4 of these plants. I love them. Pictures two and three are the next day observations.
  Calico Flower
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Aristolochia Littoralis I use this plant for the pipevine swallowtail butterfly.
  Cosmos Bipinatus
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My orange cosmos bipinnatus grew very tall. Most of my plants were chopped because they grew big but no flowers. The ones I left finally bloomed and made a show.


Dwarf Mimosa
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This dwarf tree is growing under a camphor tree in back of the house.
  Hibiscus Syriacus Double Peach
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I purchased this hibiscus from Struther's Nursery and it is still in the planter. Need to find a spot in the garden for it.

Found a spot in the garden and now it is in the ground and, so far, doing well.


Leonotis Leonurus
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This plant once you have it it reseeds and the successive plants seem to get bigger and healthier.


Lime Green Coleous
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I've had this plant, which grew as a volunteer, since maybe three years ago. It is in practically full shade and has gone through at least three Florida winters in zone 9. As it is in the "wrong" place because its my walk way I manage to walk by it and always take pictures of it.


Mimosa Striguilosa
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This groundcover is wonderful with its pink round flowers.
  Origano Lavender
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I bought seeds for Origano Lavender from Rare Seeds and the plants came up. I have one with flowers and some seedlings that are all doing great.


Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus 'Clemson Spineless')
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This is one of several of this kind of okra we are growing this summer.


Desert Rose (Adenium obesum)
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Cactus & Succulents
March 11, 2011: Obtained plant (This plant was purchased by my daughter who lives in the Tampa, FL area. She gave it to me when she moved. Since then I have grown several plants from cuttings from the original plant. I gave my daughter (the one in the Tampa area one of the cuttings which is now a beautiful plant. It is now February 2018 and I still have this plant and several others from the cuttings I took. )


Variegated American Agave (Agave americana 'Variegata')
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Cactus & Succulents
This plant is now growing big and I took a pup and transplanted it to a sunnier site.


Blue Agave (Agave americana subsp. protamericana 'Blue Steel')
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Tuberose (Agave amica)
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Sell as root
I purchased the bulbs for this plant at a garden center in Virginia. There were six in the package and now I have lots of plants. Most of them are growing in containers but I am going to find a place in the garden to grow them. Here in USDA zone 9 the bulbs can be left in the ground. They flower mid to late summer 90-120 days after planting. The flower stems can be clipped and brought inside for bouquets. The flowers are strongly fragrant without the fragrance being overwhelming.


Bugleweed (Ajuga reptans Chocolate Chip)
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I am growing this ground cover in the shade but it does not grow fast to cover a large area. I have had it for years. I tried by transplanting some of it to an even shadier area but still grows very slowly.

Today's site banner is by wildflowers and is called "Iris x hollandica"

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