Kevalsha's Plant List: Vegetable

A note from Kevalsha
I like to grow a variety of plants from trees to many ground-covers. I also grow annuals and vegetables. I always find places for more plants. Using containers for those that need protection from frost and are used as house plants is a good idea. Many climbing varieties grow on my trees including a vanilla orchid that grows on a camphor tree and is hanging in there for the past two winters. I try to create barriers that make protected areas for plants that would normally would not survive the elements in my area.

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Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus 'Clemson Spineless')
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This is one of several of this kind of okra we are growing this summer.

Flowering cilantro, Michigan

Slow Bolt Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum 'Santo')
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Lettuce Leaf Basil (Ocimum basilicum 'Mammoth')
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Today's site banner is by wildflowers and is called "Iris x hollandica"

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