Image | Plant | Status | Notes | Events |
Maguey de Parras (Agave parrasana) |
Prev plants received 2015 Perennial Succulent |
from ocgf - GW | September 15, 2015: Obtained plant July 9, 2016: Transplanted (Near purslane ) July 24, 2017: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) |
Coral-Creeper (Barleria repens) |
Prev plants received 2015 Perennial |
June 6, 2015: Obtained plant (trade-toy747) June 1, 2018: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) |
Orchid Tree (Bauhinia divaricata) |
Have plants received 2015 Shrubs & Bushes |
September 12, 2015: Obtained plant (LynneHtx) April 17, 2016: Transplanted (HW along fence - side of trellis ) July 25, 2018: Transplanted (Moved near bulbine) August 30, 2020: Bloomed (been blooming for several months) May 1, 2022: Bloomed |
Mustard Greens (Brassica juncea 'Red Giant') |
Have Trade as seed Seeds 2015 plants received 2015 veggie/edibles |
got from test garden; Jap./oriental giant red mustard; self-sow seedlings 7/6/15 | June 1, 2015: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) June 18, 2015: Miscellaneous Event (seeds collected) July 6, 2015: Seeds germinated April 16, 2022: Seeds sown (scattered in bed front of tom. sweet 100) April 30, 2022: Seeds germinated November 20, 2022: Harvested (only two plants survived summer ) |
Angel Trumpet (Brugmansia 'Strawberry Creme') |
Have plants received 2015 Perennial Shrubs & Bushes |
pot - back yard |
June 6, 2015: Obtained plant (trade-toy747) April 5, 2016: Transplanted (Along back fence) May 20, 2017: Bloomed June 18, 2017: Bloomed (Grown rapidly after cutting back from freeze; loaded with blooms; ) July 4, 2017: Miscellaneous Event (rooting 5 cuttings; one 2 1/2 week in water showing nubs and tiny root.) August 9, 2017: Bloomed (been bloooming continuously; taller than fence ) October 8, 2019: Bloomed |
Boxwood (Buxus) |
Have plants received 2015 |
Pride of Barbados (Caesalpinia pulcherrima) |
Have Trade as seed plants received 2015 Perennial Shrubs & Bushes |
LynneHtx; got seeds 11/15 | September 12, 2015: Obtained plant (LynneHtx) April 17, 2016: Transplanted (HW round bed) August 8, 2017: Bloomed July 4, 2018: Bloomed |
Chrysanthemum |
Have plants received 2015 |
November 14, 2017: Bloomed (obtained spring 2015; survived with neglect; ) April 25, 2018: Bloomed (HW frt ) November 25, 2020: Obtained plant (Small plant (mother plant died) from Mrs kue Transplanted to round butterfly bed) |
Clematis 'Bees' Jubilee' |
Have plants received 2015 Clematis |
Ellis pottery; 2018 first to bloom - #1 fully opened #5 just opening |
March 31, 2015: Obtained plant May 12, 2016: Bloomed April 17, 2017: Bloomed (only one bloom - disappointing that it has not grown much) May 26, 2017: Bloomed (One bloom - pot) March 15, 2018: Bloomed (First clematis to bloom; 2nd bloom 4/4/18) June 17, 2019: Bloomed April 9, 2020: Bloomed May 8, 2023: Bloomed |
Clematis 'Jackmanii Superba' |
Have plants received 2015 Clematis |
Ellis pottery; two plants bloomed but blooms are different - one looks like VV; Jackmanii S is blooming right side of trellis |
April 13, 2015: Obtained plant July 27, 2015: Bloomed (two plants - but are totally different blooms; one looks like VV) November 1, 2015: Bloomed April 14, 2016: Bloomed (only 1 bloom ) August 10, 2016: Bloomed (several small blooms; ) April 16, 2017: Transplanted (Both along back fence - ) May 26, 2017: Bloomed (Both have blooms- ) April 16, 2018: Bloomed (HW along fence) April 16, 2018: Bloomed (HW along fence) April 25, 2020: Bloomed May 1, 2022: Bloomed October 31, 2022: Bloomed (one in pot is blooming) March 4, 2024: Transplanted (transplanted the S. Jackmanii to right side of trellis; pruned back;) |
Clematis 'Miss Bateman' |
Have plants received 2015 Clematis |
Clematis (Clematis texensis 'Duchess of Albany') |
Have plants received 2015 Clematis |
One bloom | March 20, 2015: Obtained plant (bluestone) July 4, 2017: Bloomed (Only two blooms) August 7, 2017: Bloomed July 31, 2021: Bloomed (It finally bloomed! after several years) May 1, 2022: Bloomed |
Variegated Cuban Oregano (Coleus amboinicus 'Variegatus') |
Prev plants received 2015 veggie/edibles |
October 3, 2015: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) (this was a cutting - ) May 19, 2018: Obtained plant (Small plant from GMB swap) December 28, 2019: Cuttings stuck |
Rangoon Creeper (Combretum indicum) |
Have plants received 2015 Vine & Climbers |
September 12, 2015: Obtained plant (Joshua's natives) September 12, 2015: Transplanted October 5, 2015: Bloomed (it has been blooming since I got it;) May 2, 2016: Bloomed September 12, 2016: Bloomed (it has gotten big - many blooms) May 20, 2017: Bloomed October 27, 2017: Bloomed (Loaded with fragrant blooms) April 2, 2018: Plant emerged (new growth - thought it may have died during freeze) June 6, 2018: Bloomed (in full bloom!) July 16, 2018: Bloomed (Double bloom plant! Near angel trumpet 'strawberry creme') June 22, 2020: Bloomed (double and single bloom) October 10, 2023: Bloomed (Been blooming for months) |
Larkspur (Delphinium elatum 'Blue Bird') |
Prev plants received 2015 Perennial |
Ellis pottery | March 31, 2015: Obtained plant January 1, 2016: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) |
Chinese Delphinium (Delphinium grandiflorum 'Blue Mirror') |
Prev plants received 2015 |
March 11, 2015: Obtained plant (from Wal-M) April 1, 2015: Bloomed (cut back previous spent blooms; they are reblooming -lovely blue) March 4, 2018: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) |
Dianthus |
Prev plants received 2015 Perennial |
Wal-Mart | March 11, 2015: Obtained plant April 3, 2016: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) |
Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima) |
Have plants received 2015 |
December 9, 2017: Obtained plant (MG Christmas party; planted in ground ) April 16, 2018: Transplanted (HW ) December 16, 2018: Obtained plant (Sharon gave me one and someone left a red one on front porch) February 19, 2020: Miscellaneous Event (One under oak tree is turning color - Two at library have red on them ) |
Painted Petals (Freesia laxa) |
Have plants received 2015 Perennial Bulbs, tubers, and rhizomes |
2 bulbs in container; 5/11/16 seed pods (red seeds) - scattered over soil 2/20/20 many babies taking over bed; gave some to M &S |
March 25, 2015: Obtained plant (bloom is so pretty and dainty) October 5, 2015: Plant emerged (two bulbs) March 3, 2016: Bloomed (3 other scapes ) April 6, 2016: Transplanted (East bed - HW) February 27, 2017: Bloomed (Many seedlings from seeds around mother plant; ) March 4, 2018: Bloomed (HW) March 3, 2019: Bloomed (very nice clump now; many babies) February 5, 2020: Bloomed April 16, 2021: Bloomed |
Dusky Cranesbill (Geranium phaeum 'Samobor') |
Prev plants received 2015 Perennial Wish List |
March 20, 2015: Obtained plant April 1, 2015: Bloomed August 6, 2015: Plant Ended (Removed, Died, Discarded, etc) |