Your National Gardening Association weekly news for March 25, 2017

Recently popular question and answer from our Q&A Archive: Dicots and Monocots
"Is a sweet pea a monocot or dicot? How can you determine if a plant is a monocot or a dicot?" - Click to read the answer

Articles you may enjoy:

Lamb's Ear: Growing and Caring For

"Lamb's Ears is a very hardy and strong-growing perennial, with thick white-wooly foliage, valued as a dense, low growing, spreading bedding plant in the landscape."

Daffodils- Spring Bulbs

"The dependable, spring-flowering daffodil is a favorite for its long life and carefree, colorful blooms. Other common names include jonquil and narcissus."

Growing Peonies

"Peonies are renowned for their large, colorful, bowl-shaped, flowers and dark green foliage. Once established, these beauties are some of the longest-lived and most reliable garden plants."

Growing Gladiolus

"A classic cut flower, gladiolus produces tall flower spikes adorned with large, showy flowers. Often relegated to the cutting garden, gladiolus also suits the back of the border where the tall flowers can complement bushier plants."

Early Spring Bloomer- The Oriental Poppy

"Sporting huge, cup-shaped blooms in early summer, the Oriental poppy is the most striking of the perennial poppies, and the delicate, papery flowers belie the plant's hardiness and durability."


"Foxglove bears tall, dramatic spikes of tubular flowers with speckled throats. Foxglove blooms in midsummer and adds elegance to a perennial border, woodland area, or shade garden."

Wide World of Lettuce

"Lettuce" is synonymous with "salad" for people all over the world. It's by far the world's most popular salad plant and has been cultivated for more than 2,000 years.

Spinach Essentials

"Tasty, nutritious spinach is one of the first crops planted in spring. It's higher in iron, calcium and vitamins than most cultivated greens, and it's one of the best vegetable sources of vitamins A, B and C."

The most popular images last week from our plant database:

Photo of Lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon 'White Cloud')
By GrammaChar:

Photo of Poor Man's Orchid (Schizanthus pinnatus)
By janinilulu:

Photo of Rose (Rosa 'Sexy Rexy')
By Paul2032:

Photo of Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Gimmick')
By Henhouse:

Photo of Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Ribbon Dancer')
By Nysbadmk8:

Photo of Rose (Rosa 'Broceliande')
By MargieNY:

Photo of Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Just-a-Pat')
By Henhouse:

Photo of Glory-of-the-Snow (Scilla forbesii)
By Patty:

Photo of Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Thistles and Thorns')
By EdBurton:

Photo of Pachyveria (XPachyveria 'Blue Pearl')
By tarev:

The most popular Landscape Photos from last week:

Click an image to view the names of the plants in each photo.

Photo by Paul2032:
Photo by MargieNY:
Photo by robertduval14:
Photo by MargieNY:
Photo by MargieNY:
Photo by MargieNY:
Photo by HemNorth:
Photo by Paul2032:

Noteworthy acorn tips given this week:

3 people gave for a photo of Lewisia (Lewisia cotyledon 'White Cloud') by GrammaChar

3 people gave for post #1392761 in "Pets 2017" by ChefDebbie

2 people gave for post #1392768 in "Lilies species & hybrids" by auratum

2 people gave for post #1392844 in "Share Your Photos" by Pistil

2 people gave for a photo of Sagi-so (Pecteilis radiata) by longk

2 people gave for a photo of Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Are You Crazy') by cliftoncat

2 people gave for post #1394995 in "Which of your daylilies produces the most scapes per plant" by Seedfork

2 people gave for post #1391566 in "Daily gardening thread for everyone" by LizDTM

2 people gave for post #1394920 in "Tree Frog" by gasrocks

2 people gave for a photo of Toad Lily (Tricyrtis lasiocarpa 'Royal Toad') by longk

The most active threads this week:

Subject OP Area Replies
Weather In Your Garden ~ Spring 2017CharDaylilies forum53
Daily Peony PhotoMieko2Peonies forum36
Which of your daylilies produces the most scapes per plantSeedforkDaylilies forum27
The 1%DogsNDayliliesDaylilies forum26
Freeze Damages on My PeonieskousaPeonies forum26
Great Daylilies for good prices!!!! - Year 4LilydaydreamerClassifieds and Group Buys forum25
Daylily of the Day: Stella de OrobeckygardenerDaylilies forum24
Daylily of the Day: Ed BrownjonDaylilies forum23
Roundup UseAnnaZAsk a Question forum21

Check out these numbers from last week: