Your National Gardening Association weekly news for May 13, 2017


Recently popular question and answer from our Q&A Archive: Peat Moss vs. Peat Humus
"What is the difference between peat moss and peat humus? I am making my own soil to use for a general flower garden and I am planning to add a peat product to a mixture of commercial top soil and vermiculite. Should I use peat humus or peat moss, and why?" - Click to read the answer

Articles you may enjoy:

Planning for Peaches

"Few gastronomical treats come close to the season's first bite into a peach: the faint tingle of fuzz on your lips, the flesh, softer and sweeter than you remembered, and the trickle of juice down your chin, warm, sticky, and wonderful."

All About Rosemary

"Rosemary means dew of the sea, an appropriate name for this popular garden herb, watered by the ocean mists in its native habitat along the arid coastline of the"

Weeds: Annual Bluegrass

"Annual bluegrass (Poa annua) is a cool-season annual that forms dense clumps that are lighter green than cultivated turf grasses. Unlike perennial bluegrass, the tips of annual bluegrass leaves show a slight curve, like the bow of a boat."

Super Summer Squash

"Summer squash is one of the most gratifying crops to grow in the vegetable garden. Simply stick in a few seeds, wait a while, and suddenly you're harvesting tender green and gold squash by the armload."

Gardening Tips for Attracting Birds

"The National Wildlife Federation has designated the entire month of May as Garden for Wildlife Month. Next up in our weekly series about creating wildlife habitat gardens are some tips on attracting birds from the Federation’s Naturalist David Mizejewski."

Planting a Child-Friendly Garden

"Gardeners love to share their interest in gardening, and sharing with their children can be particularly rewarding. Even 2- and 3-year-olds can help plant their own little patch, and watch as life unfolds around them. Here are some suggestions for making gardening enjoyable-and safe-for young children."

Ripening and Harvesting Tomatoes

"One of the great joys of gardening is reaching for the first red-ripe tomato on the vine and biting into it. There's a flavor, juiciness and pleasure you'll never find in a supermarket tomato. Because tomatoes ripen from the inside out, when the outer skin is firm and red, you know you've got a beautiful ripe one."

Gardening Ideas from other NGA Members:

The May Not-A-Raffle-Raffle!

By dave
May 12, 2017
The May Not-A-Raffle-Raffle!

Time for another raffle!! (1,429 words - Read the full article)

The most popular images last week from our plant database:

Photo of Rose (Rosa 'Vesper')
By Calif_Sue:

Photo of Tulip (Tulipa 'Tres Chic')
By mellielong:

Photo of Rose (Rosa 'Earth Angel')
By zuzu:

Photo of Lily (Lilium 'Fusion')
By William:

Photo of Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Under My Spell')
By Moiris:

Photo of Border Bearded Iris (Iris 'Minnesota Mixed-Up Kid')
By Lestv:

Photo of Golden Shrimp Plant (Pachystachys lutea)
By krobra:

Photo of Tulip (Tulipa 'Light and Dreamy')
By William:

Photo of Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Sweet Prairie Wind')
By shive1:

Photo of Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Sun Silk')
By lovemyhouse:

The most popular Landscape Photos from last week:

Click an image to view the names of the plants in each photo.

Photo by William:
Photo by Lioba:
Photo by nben:
Photo by mellielong:
Photo by chickhill:
Photo by nben:
Photo by cliftoncat:

Noteworthy acorn tips given this week:

4 people gave for post #1436977 in "Superstition Gardens May 7, 2017" by Moiris

4 people gave for post #1436883 in "What did you do today?" by vanozzi

3 people gave for a photo of Golden Shrimp Plant (Pachystachys lutea) by krobra

3 people gave for post #1439818 in "Banner for May 11, 2017 by rocklady" by rocklady

3 people gave for post #1438795 in "Banner for May 10, 2017 by dirtdorphins" by dirtdorphins

3 people gave for post #1436649 in "BIGGGGG Tip of the Hat, and Thank you, Iris Peeeples!" by lovemyhouse

3 people gave for post #1439246 in "Great Resource When Searching for Specific TB Iris" by irisdude

2 people gave for post #1438601 in "Spring Blooming Bulbs 2017" by William

2 people gave for post #1438950 in "Sempervivum and Jovibarba chat & photos 2017" by dirtdorphins

2 people gave for a photo of Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Merchant Marine') by AndreaD

The most active threads this week:

Subject OP Area Replies
Superstition Gardens May 7, 2017MoirisIrises forum45
Help...punk_rock_gardernerAsk a Question forum42
who am I?joannakatPlant ID forum29
BIGGGGG Tip of the Hat, and Thank you, Iris Peeeples!lovemyhouseIrises forum28
Mt. Cuba Gardens, Stroll with me!critterologistMid Atlantic Gardening forum27
Advice needed for bearded irisWeedwhackerIrises forum21
On a deserted islandurania1Irises forum20
Can we all just get along because I still need your HELP!!!punk_rock_gardernerAsk a Question forum20
I DO know it isn't paint...Garden10Ask a Question forum19

Check out these numbers from last week: