Recently added plants in Currants and Gooseberries

There are 437 plants in the currants and gooseberries database.

Plant Contributor Date added
American Black Currant (Ribes americanum) admin 2011-09-16 17:13:56
Gooseberry (Ribes 'Welcome') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa var. reclinatum 'Invicta') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa 'Pixwell') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Gooseberry (Ribes uva-crispa 'Hinnonmaki Rod') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Currant (Ribes rubrum 'White Pearl') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Redcurrant (Ribes rubrum 'Rovada') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Red Currant (Ribes rubrum 'Red Lake') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Redcurrant (Ribes rubrum 'Champagne') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Gooseberry (Ribes 'Poorman') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Clove Currant (Ribes aureum var. villosum 'Crandall') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Clove Currant (Ribes aureum var. villosum) admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum 'Ben Sarek') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Jostaberry (Ribes hybrid) admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Currant (Ribes x gordonianum) admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Alpine Currant (Ribes alpinum 'Green Mound') admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40
Alpine Currant (Ribes alpinum) admin 2011-09-16 17:13:40

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