Podocarpus macrophyllus var. macrophyllus PID: 223143Gallery: Entire plant Date submitted: September 16, 2019 Caption: Podocarpus Macrophyllus Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2014-04-30
Veldt Grape (Cissus quadrangularis) PID: 112383Gallery: Entire plant Date submitted: July 9, 2018 Caption: I still to date grow this plant in several spots in my garden. (7/9/2018). Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2012-08-20
Rhizomatous Begonia (Begonia 'Black Coffee') PID: 165365Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: July 15, 2017
Pigeon Pea (Cajanus cajan) PID: 157599Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: March 5, 2017 Caption: The foliage and flowers of pigeon peas Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2014-11-22
Firebush (Hamelia patens) PID: 76766Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: October 31, 2016 Caption: This is one of four hamelia patens I have in my yard. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: Summer 2014
Blue Daze (Evolvulus glomeratus) PID: 76496Gallery: Entire plant Date submitted: August 25, 2016 Caption: This is the entire plant in the sense that has foliage and flowers. However, this is a segment of the area covered by this plant which is expanding around a tree in my front yard. It survived the mild winter we have here and now is growing very happily. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2016-07-27
Begonia 'Douglas Burley' PID: 691807Gallery: Leaves Date submitted: August 25, 2016 Caption: This plant is growing in a container. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2015-06-15
Sweet Almond Bush (Aloysia virgata) PID: 115255Gallery: Entire plant Date submitted: August 25, 2016 Caption: This is when the bush was very young. Now it is taking over the spot. In this pic the yellow allamanda is in the background. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2014-07-24
Loquat (Rhaphiolepis bibas) PID: 71456Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: August 21, 2016 Caption: The flowers of this tree are very fragrant and attract beneficial insects. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2014-11-27
Butterfly Amaryllis (Hippeastrum papilio) PID: 71513Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: August 21, 2016 Caption: The original plant was given to me as a gift from another Master Gardener who grows mainly green flowers. I have divided this plant and gave my daughter (Valerie) one for her garden. I now have two and plan to grow more of this amaryllis because I find Photo location: My garden Date of photo: Spring
Loquat (Rhaphiolepis bibas) PID: 71456Gallery: Fruit Date submitted: August 21, 2016 Caption: We have two Loquat trees because we need shade and we enjoy the sweetness of the fruits. This one tree has been bearing fruits for two years now. The other tree is relatively young and it appears to be fruiting this year. What I enjoy the most is the h Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2015-04-01
Crape Myrtle (Lagerstroemia 'Basham's Party Pink') PID: 97770Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: August 21, 2016 Caption: This crape myrtle is located in the Front Garden and as of now its about 8 ft. tall. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2015-08-15
Glory Bush (Pleroma heteromallum) PID: 79268Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: August 21, 2016 Caption: Notice that some flowers have a white center and some centers are dark pink. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2014-09-08
Sea Hibiscus (Talipariti tiliaceum 'Albo-variegatus') PID: 142141Gallery: Entire plant Date submitted: August 14, 2016 Caption: This Mahoe is about a year old. Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2016-07-04
Four o'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa) PID: 77809Gallery: Entire plant Date submitted: August 14, 2016 Caption: Mirabilis Jalapa pink Photo location: My backyard Date of photo: 2013-05-15
Papaya (Carica papaya) PID: 75776Gallery: Fruit Date submitted: August 14, 2016 Caption: Showing a harvested papaya from my garden Photo location: On my kitchen counter Date of photo: 2015-12-31
Black Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta 'Orange Fudge') PID: 658789Gallery: Bloom Date submitted: August 14, 2016 Photo location: My garden Date of photo: 2016-06-28