Child plants of Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Greeting Card')

8 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Baby Blanket') PE-189M: (PG-177G: (PI-MIX-A, unknown, x ((Roaring Camp x Wildman) x PL-303C3: (((Gone Native x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x (Gone Native x Camp Capitola)) x (San Vicente x Casa Pacifica)))) x PG-154: (PI-211J: ((Roaring Camp x Wildman) x (Napa Valley x Western World)) x PI-MIX-W2, unknown)) X PE-190N: (Greeting Card x PG-185Y: (PI-MIX-Y, unknown x PI-MIX-A, unknown))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Bedroom Eyes') PE-190N: (Greeting Card x PG-185Y: (PI-MIX-Y, unknown, x PI-MIX-A, unknown)) X PE-205W2: (PG-185bo x PG-172: (PI-MIX pink, unknown, x Herald))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Commitment') PE-190N: (Greeting Card x PG-185Y: (PI-MIX-Y, unknown, x PI-MIX-A, unknown)) X PE-205W2: (PG-185bo x PG-172: (PI-MIX pink, unknown, x Herald))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Eye Yi Yi') PB-314W2, Copy Boy sibling, X PB-326-02: ((((Las Lomas x ((Running Wild x Moraga sibling) x (San Gregorio x (Montara sibling x Mission Santa Cruz sibling)))) x Santa Clarita sibling) x ((Las Lomas x Shaker sibling) x Villa Montalvo)) x (Greeting Card x (PI-MIX-Y, unknown, x PI-MIX-A, unknown)))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Little Survivor') Bat Boy X Greeting Card
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Loyal Trust') BP-169P: (PA-54A: (Baby Blanket x Commitment sibling) x PA-112U: (Cross Purpose sibling x (Candid x (Greeting Card x PG-185Y: (MIX-Y x MIX-A))))) X AP-229L3: (PB-294Z4: ((Battle Alert x (MIX-S x (Earthquake x (Santa Cruz Beach x (Refugio x ((Simply Wild x Camp Capitola sibling) x (Big Wheel x California Mystique))))))) x ((Old Monterey sibling x (((Running Wild x Moraga sibling) x PL-230J3: (San Gregorio x (Montara sibling x Mission Santa Cruz))) x (PL-230-S x Latin Blood))) x (Old Monterey x MIX-S))) x PB-285E4, Spreadsheet sibling)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Pichina') Bat Boy X Greeting Card
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Pretty Boy') Baby Blanket X PB-259-D3: ((((It's Wild sibling x Herald sibling) x School Boy sibling) x ((Las Lomas x Shaker) x Villa Montalvo)) x (Charter Member sibling x Greeting Card))

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