Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Astrid Cayeux') |
Heavenly Harmony X Metropolitan |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Born To Exceed') |
Song of Spring X RN 82-93F: (Royal Regency x Metropolitan) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Chevalier de Malte') |
Whirl Around X 86167 A: (8461 B: (8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x 8459: ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan))) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Coquetterie') |
Metropolitan X Loudoun Lassie |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Folie Douce') |
94120A: ((Whirl Around x 86167 A: (8461 B: (8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x 8459: ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan)))) x 86167A: (8461B x 8365G)) X 9572A: (91187A: (Astrid Cayeux x Helene C.) x Rebecca Perret) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Glorious Morning') |
S 345-1: (Color Splash x Metropolitan) X V 278-A: (R 279-1: ((G 264-E x unknown flamingo pink sdlg.) x (G 571-A x Craig #7)) x Sweet Musette) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Gourmandise') |
Dėlicieux Caramel X 0961A: (0617B: (02180D: (99177A: (96186B: (Pink Interlude x 92241A) x Gold Frosting) x Starship Enterprise) x 0283A: (96163A: (First Interstate x 94155A: ((Whirl Around x 86167 A: (8461 B: (8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x 8459: ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan)))) x First Interstate)) x Yes)) x 0512: (98107A: (9412B: (9022 x Chinese Treasure) x (Wings of Gold x 9087B: (86225A: ((7915: (Casino Queen x (Pink Taffeta x Schiaparelli)) x 7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere)) x Adventuress) x 8322A: (Peach Sundae x 7709A)))) x 0160A: (Sugar Magnolia x Yes))) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Joli Coeur') |
Scintillation X (Metropolitan x Loudoun Lassie) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Kathrin') |
Ringo X Metropolitan |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Margit') |
Navajo Blanket X Metropolitan |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Marie-Alix C') |
Délicieux Caramel X 0916A: (0617B: (Lune et Soleil x 0283A: (96163A: (First Interstate x 94155A: ((Whirl Around x 86167 A: (8461 B: (8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x 8459: ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan)))) x First Interstate)) x Yes)) x 0512: (98107A: (9412B: (9022 x Chinese Treasure) x 9549C: (Wings of Gold x 9087B: (86225A: ((7915: (Casino Queen x (Pink Taffeta x Schiaparelli)) x 7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere)) x Adventuress) x 8322A: (Peach Sundae x 7709A)))) x 0160A: (Sugar Magnolia x Yes))) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pause Douceur') |
02284A: (99121: (Good Vibrations x Toile de Jouy) x Toile de Jouy) X 02293A: (Good Vibrations x 98143A: (94120A: ((Whirl Around x 86167 A: (8461 B: (8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x 8459: ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan)))) x 86167A: ((8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x sdlg.)) x 9572A: (91187A: (Astrid Cayeux x Helene C.) x Rebecca Perret))) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Princesse Caroline de Monaco') |
8439 A: (Alizes x 8164: ((Condottiere x Metropolitan) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan))) X Skyblaze |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ralph Warner') |
Dream Romance X Metropolitan |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ré la Blanche') |
9572 A: (91187 A: (Astrid Cayeux x Helene C.) x Rebecca Perret) X 94155 B: ((Whirl Around x 86167 A: (8461 B: (8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x 8459: ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan)))) x First Interstate) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Renate') |
Metropolitan X Gypsy Caravan |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Starlette Rose') |
8344 A: ((Ovation x Premier Bal) x (Pink Angel x Playgirl)) X 8503: ((Metropolitan x Loudoun Lassie) x ((Condottiere x Metropolitan) x sibling)) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Summer Haze') |
JH-73-1: (Irene Neece x Marquesan Skies) X Metropolitan |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Tourbillon') |
Condottiere X Metropolitan |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Tumblin' Dice') |
RN7S-8E: (Glory Bound x Metropolitan) X Entourage |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Val de Loire') |
Coquetterie X 8780: ((Color Splash x Condottiere) x ((Condottiere x Metropolitan) x sibling)) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Vertige') |
10-380: (Smiling Faces x Ciel Gris sur Poilly) X 0911A: (0512A: (98107A: (9412B: (9022: (Echo de France x Blazing Sunrise) x Chinese Treasure) x (Wings of Gold x 9087B: (86223A: (8269 x 8214B: (Gypsy Caravan x Embassadora)) x 8322A: (Peach Sundae x 7709A)))) x 0160A: (Sugar Magnolia x Yes)) x 06101: (04201A: (93109A: (8884A: (7706A: (Condottiere x Delphi) x 8459: (7706A x (Condottiere x Metropolitan))) x 8876A: (86167: (8461B: (7706A x Love Bandit) x 8459) x 8497: (7687A, from lines of Cayeux seedlings, x 8109A: (Condottiere x Delphi)))) x Paul Black) x 0495: (Skylark’s Song x 01117A: (9690A: (Moon Journey x Deltaplane) x Terre de Couleur)))) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Vicomtesse de Curel') |
0617B: (02180D: (99177A: (96186B: (Pink Interlude x 92241A) x Gold Frosting) x Starship Enterprise) x 0283A: (96163A: (First Interstate x 94155A: ((Whirl Around x 86167 A: (8461 B: (8245A: (7706A: ((6507 A: ((Palomino x Emma Cook) x Tahiti Sunrise) x Pink Taffeta) x Condottiere) x Love Bandit) x 8109 A: (Condottiere x Delphi)) x 8459: ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan)))) x First Interstate)) x Yes)) X 0581: (0216A: (9913A: (9549: (Wings of Gold x 9087B: (86223A: (8269 x 8214B: (Gypsy Caravan x Embassadora)) x 8322A: (Peach Sundae x 7709A))) x 9338A: (Beachgirl x Joli Coeur)) x 9702D: (Crème Glacée x Yes)) x 0243: (9913 x 9909A: (9549C x Yes))) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Volute') |
86225: ((7915: (Casino Queen x (Pink Taffeta x Schiaparelli)) x (7706 A, Alizes sibling, x Love Bandit)) x Adventuress) X 86167 A: (((7706 A x Love Bandit) x (Condottiere x Delphi)) x ((Condottiere x Delphi) x (Condottiere x Metropolitan))) |