Child plants of Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Banbury Candy')

40 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Aftershock') PL-226A2: (Peanut Gallery x (((Pacific Moon x California Native) x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x Mission Santa Cruz)) X (((Gone Native x Camp Capitola) x PP-337I: (Go Wild x (La Selva x Pu-232S: (Banbury Velvet x California Native)))) x ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x California Mystique)))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Battle Alert') (((((Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x Foreign Exchange) x (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native))) x (((Joey x (((Grubstake x (Ojai x Empire Grade)) x Sundance Eight) x Casa Pacifica)) x (Gone Native x Emigrant)) x Reflecting Pool)) x ((PP-406Q: (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native)) x (Gone Native x Camp Capitola)) x San Gregorio)) X PI-MIX-S, unknown
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Butano') PN-305FF: ((Banbury Candy x Californian) x Gone Native) X PM-210T: ((Banbury Candy x Simply Wild) x (((Restless Native x Councilman) x PV-202: (collected Santa Cruz Mountains hybrid x Western Queen)) x Emigrant))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Camp Capitola') San Vicente x Banbury Candy
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Cozumel') Eagle Eyes X PH-266K: (Las Lomas x (PL-226A2: (Peanut Gallery x (((Pacific Moon x California Native) x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x Mission Santa Cruz)) x (((Gone Native x Camp Capitola) x PP-337I: (Go Wild x (La Selva x Pu-232S: (Banbury Velvet x California Native)))) x ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x California Mystique)))))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Double Edged') (((((Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x Foreign Exchange) x (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native))) x (((Joey x (((Grubstake x (Ojai x Empire Grade)) x Sundance Eight) x Casa Pacifica)) x (Gone Native x Emigrant)) x Reflecting Pool)) x ((PP-406Q: (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native)) x (Gone Native x Camp Capitola)) x San Gregorio)) X PI-MIX-S, unknown
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Eagle Eyes') (Refugio x PM-210T: (Elberta Peach sibling x ((Banbury Candy x Simply Wild) x (San Vicente x Emigrant)))) X PJ-181C2: ((Peanut Gallery x ((Pacific Moon x California Native) x San Vicente sibling)) x (Running Wild x (Simply Wild x Camp Capitola sibling)))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Earthquake') PL-226A2: (Peanut Gallery x ((PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native) x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x Mission Santa Cruz)) X PL-257C3: (Running Wild x (Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Ego Trip') ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x PP-406Q: (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native))) X Miramar
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Elberta Peach') Gone Native X PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Gingerbread House') Going West X (Emigrant x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Going West') Gone Native X Pr-319F: (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Herald') Refugio X ((Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)) x ((Banbury Candy x Simply Wild) x (San Vicente x Emigrant)))
Image Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Idylwild') ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x PP-406Q: (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native))) X Miramar
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Ignacio') (PQ-218-0: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x Foreign Exchange) X PO-207R: (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'In the Money') Po-207R: (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native) X Roaring Camp
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Junipero') ((Gone Native x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Gone Native x Emigrant)) X San Gregorio
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'La Madrona') Gone Native X PO-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Laguna Creek') ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native))) X Miramar
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Las Lomas') (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)) X (Going West x Mission Santa Cruz)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Local Girl') PH-266Y: (Las Lomas x (PL-226A2: (Peanut Gallery x (((Pacific Moon x California Native) x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x Mission Santa Cruz)) x (((Gone Native x Camp Capitola) x PP-337I: (Go Wild x (La Selva x Pu-232S: (Banbury Velvet x California Native)))) x ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x California Mystique))))) X Villa Montalvo
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Long Shot') Short Order X Pr-319: (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Los Californio') ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native))) X Miramar
Image Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Mission Santa Clara') ((((Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x Foreign Exchange) x (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native))) x (((Joey x (((Grubstake x (Ojai x Empire Grade)) x Sundance Eight) x Casa Pacifica)) x (Gone Native x Emigrant)) x Reflecting Pool)) X ((PP-406Q: (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native)) x (Gone Native x Camp Capitola)) x San Gregorio)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Mists of Time') ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native))) X Miramar
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'On the Wildside') PK-321A: (((Banbury Candy x Simply Wild) x (((Restless Native x Councilman) x (collected Santa Cruz Mountains hybrid x Western Queen)) x Emigrant)) x ((Gone Native x ((Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x (Going West x Mission Santa Cruz))) X Mists of Time
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Osocales') Eagle Eyes X PH-266K: (Las Lomas x (PL-226A2: (Peanut Gallery x (((Pacific Moon x California Native) x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x Mission Santa Cruz)) x (((Gone Native x Camp Capitola) x PP-337I: (Go Wild x (La Selva x Pu-232S: (Banbury Velvet x California Native)))) x ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x California Mystique)))))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Pajaro Dunes') Emigrant X PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Peanut Gallery') Emigrant X PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Pet Name') PG-156-K2: (PI-211J: ((Roaring Camp x Wildman) x (Los Padres x ((Gone Native x (Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x ((Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x PQ-198C: (San Vicente x Emigrant))))) x PI-MIX-R, unknown) X PG-177-M2: (PI-MIX-A, unknown, x ((Roaring Camp x Wildman) x PL-303C3: (((Gone Native x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x (Gone Native x Camp Capitola)) x (San Vicente x Casa Pacifica))))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'San Felipe') (((Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x Foreign Exchange) x (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native))) X (((Joey x (((Grubstake x (Ojai x Empire Grade)) x Sundance Eight) x Casa Pacifica)) x (Gone Native x Emigrant)) x Reflecting Pool)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'San Tomas') PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native) X PQ-198C: (San Vicente x Emigrant)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Santa Rosalita') PF-188-O: (Eagle Eyes x (Las Lomas x (PL-226A2: (Peanut Gallery x (((Pacific Moon x California Native) x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x Mission Santa Cruz)) x (((Gone Native x Camp Capitola) x PP-337I: (Go Wild x (La Selva x Pu-232S: (Banbury Velvet x California Native)))) x ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x California Mystique)))))) X PG-172A: (PI-MIX pink, unknown, x Herald)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'See the Light') PK-321A: (((Banbury Candy x Simply Wild) x (((Restless Native x Councilman) x PV-202: (collected Santa Cruz Mountains hybrid x Western Queen)) x Emigrant)) x ((Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)) x (Going West x Mission Santa Cruz))) X PK-331D3: (Cup of Tea x Wildman)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Small Town') PP-354K: (Gone Native x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) X Mission Santa Cruz
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Something Wild') PO-207R: (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)) X Roaring Camp
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Star Witness') PF-154U: (PI-MIX-R, unknown, x Eagle Eyes) X PH-266H: (Las Lomas x (PL-226A2: (Peanut Gallery x (((Pacific Moon x California Native) x (Casa Pacifica x Las Flores)) x Mission Santa Cruz)) x (((Gone Native x Camp Capitola) x PP-337I: (Go Wild x (La Selva x Pu-232S: (Banbury Velvet x California Native)))) x ((Simply Wild x (San Vicente x Banbury Candy)) x (Big Wheel x California Mystique)))))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Villa Montalvo') PK-321A: (((Banbury Candy x Simply Wild) x (Native State sibling x Emigrant)) x ((Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native)) x (Going West x Mission Santa Cruz))) X PK-331D3: (Cup of Tea x Wildman)
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Wild Time') Roaring Camp X PP-251L: (Simply Wild x PR-319M: (San Vicente x Banbury Candy))
Pacific Coast Iris (Iris 'Xewe') (((((Banbury Candy x Gone Native) x Foreign Exchange) x (Gone Native x PQ-217N: (Banbury Candy x Gone Native))) x (((Joey x (((Grubstake x (Ojai x Empire Grade)) x Sundance Eight) x Casa Pacifica)) x (Gone Native x Emigrant)) x Reflecting Pool)) x ((PP-406Q: (Big Wheel x PV-163I: (Pacific Moon x California Native)) x (Gone Native x Camp Capitola)) x San Gregorio)) X PI-MIX-S, unknown

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