Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Amazon Bride') |
Bride's Halo X T3546Halo: (Bride's Halo x ((Babson M131-4: (Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Crystal Flame)) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Apricot Blossom Wine') |
Oriental Flair X 5251TWhBgBds: (4831WhBgTBds: (4348TDpV: (3852LcPrTBds: (3181 LcV: (2785C: (2105B: ((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Jody) x Tiburon) x 3185DkVTBd: (2748A: (1761: (Gay Adventure x Sass 55-349) x Keppel 68-52, inv. B. Jones sdlgs., Marquesan Skies and Babbling Brook) x Caro Nome)) x T3616-OrCr: ((Hayride x T2735Or: ((((Norah x Thisbe) x Glittering Amber) x (T983 x Glittering Amber)) x Picture Perfect)) x Fresno Calypso)) x O. Brown 78-1B4: (Snowy Wonderland x (Spring Bride x Royal Coachman))) x DuBose DU200-20TWh: (My Valentine x Condottiere)) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bel Canto') |
Paris Opera X T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Blue Cirrus') |
Hager T5374BgWW: (4581TYAm: (3851PkAm: (3477PkAmSh: (3006PchAm2: (2401PkAm: (2420WhTBds: (2056PA x Roses In Snow)) x 3008PkAm: (2808YAm: (2057YAm: (1185: (J. Melrose pink bicolor x Diehl Pin-Pal#2) x 1752: (1178A: (Diehl Pin-Pal#1: (Pinnacle x Palomino) x Diehl Pin-Pal#2: (Pinnacle x Palomino)) x 1190C: (Grand Teton x Diehl Pin-Pal#2))) x Glacier Gold) x Vernal Falls)) x Festive Skirt) x 4261TAm: (3487TWhBds: (3196Cr: (Ice Sculpture x Liz) x Vanity) x (3848TWh x 3301TWh: (Risque x 2435: (2105D: (Babson M131-4: (((Babson E61-1 x Figurine) x Queen's Lace) x Golden Stairs) x Morning Breeze) x Crystal Flame)) x Bride's Lace))) x 4609TYAm: (3668PlYAm: (3011PkAm: (2395TWh: (2185A: (1906A: (1057: (J. Melrose pink amoena x Diehl Pin-Pal#1) x 1482B: (Frost and Flame x Sass 56-6)) x Java Dove) x 2053B: (1752B x Java Dove)) x 2401PA: (2056PA: (1181C: (DeForest 53-34A: (((Melitza x Midwest Gem) x Pink Sensation) x Frances Kent) x Diehl Pin-Pal#2) x Java Dove) x 2055A: (1755: (Diehl Pin-Pal#3: (Pinnacle x Palomino)) x 1181C) x Java Dove))) x White Lightning) x 4128YAm: (3673Lm: (Dream Affair x 3196Cr: (Ice Sculpture x Liz)) x 3627OrBds: (3207WhTBds: (Pink Persian x 2743A: (2340A: (Minnesota Glitters x Flaming Star) x 2338C: (Minnesota Glitters x Spanish Gift))) x 3196Cr)))) X NJF168-2-5A: (JF168-2-5A: (F168-2: (B120-3: (Irene Nelson x Honest Pleasure) x Gaulter 81-17, inv. Irene Nelson) x F104-1: ((Irene Nelson x Sun Fire) x Friday Surprise)) x After the Dawn) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Blyth Dean') |
(T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) x Igloo) X Monaco |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Champagne Flight') |
Sdlg E61-l X Figurine |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Contribution') |
((Scenario x Pleasure Dome) x (((K90-RCR x Tucson) x (Tambourine x Gala Madrid)) x Cranberry Ice)) X (((((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (E61-1 x Figurine))) x Rippling Waters) x Warm Laughter) x Paris Opera) x (Silver Flow x Ruffled Ballet)) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Crystal Cathedral') |
Igloo X Hager T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Horatio') |
T4392TPr: (((((Babson M131-4: (Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) x Grand Waltz) x Irene Nelson) x (Silver Flow x Irene Nelson)) X T4244FchPr: (((((Gay Adventure x Sass 55-349) x Keppel 68-52: (Jones 743: (sdlg. x Crystal Flame) x Keppel 65-32A: (Marquesan Skies x Babbling Brook))) x Caro Nome) x Royalace) x Matinee Idol) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ice Sculpture') |
((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) X M. Dunn 64-167: (Winter Olympics x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Innuendo') |
Figurine X Savage |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pleasure Dome') |
T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) X Igloo |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Posh Place') |
Lingering Spring X T4861LcRsOcBigLA: (T4222: ((T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) x Igloo) x T3953: ((Sea Venture x 2797: (DuBose 46-27 x 2097A: ((Mixed Emotions x Diehl reverse amoena sdlg.) x (DuBose 46-27 x 2097A: ((Mixed Emotions x Diehl reverse amoena sdlg.)))) x (3172: (Igloo x T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time)) x Surf Rider))) x Blyth Dean) |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Royal Courtship') |
T5321MbPr: (T5058RfV: (Mother Earth x Feed Back) x RE4693FchPr: (((((Babson M131-4: (((E61-1, unknown, x Figurine) x Queen's Lace) x Golden Stairs) x Rippling Waters) x Warm Laughter) x Paris Opera) x (Cathedral Windows x Pagan)) x ((Scenario x Pleasure Dome) x (((inv. Coffee Royal x Tucson) x (Tambourine x Gala Madrid)) x Cranberry Ice)))) X Contribution |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Silver Fizz') |
T4222: ((T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) x Igloo) x T3953: ((Sea Venture x 2797: (DuBose 46-27 x 2097A: ((Mixed Emotions x Diehl reverse amoena sdlg.) x (DuBose 46-27 x 2097A: ((Mixed Emotions x Diehl reverse amoena sdlg.)))) x (3172: (Igloo x T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time)) x Surf Rider))) X Blyth Dean |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Silver Flow') |
T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) X Igloo |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Silver Years') |
Igloo X T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) |
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Speak Up') |
Figurine X Kalifa Baltis |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Summer Hills') |
Figurine X Tobacco Road |
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Sunset Strip') |
Figurine X C. G. White onco sdlg |
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Timescape') |
T4222Blt2: ((T2590A: (((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) x Igloo) x ((Sea Adventure x sdlg.) x ((((Babson sdlg x Morning Breeze) x Dream Time) x Silver Years) x Surf Rider))) X Olympiad |
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Treasure Tone') |
Figurine X Kalifa Baltis |