Child plants of Aril Iris (Iris 'Kerr's Light Blue')

4 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Aril Iris (Iris 'Kashmir Prince') (99: (I. helenae x W 118) x Kerr's Light Blue X (0 Y 40 x (I. susiana x Bagdad Beauty))
Aril Iris (Iris 'Kashmir Princess') ((I. helenae x W 118) x Kerr's Light Blue) X 640-OY
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Maroon Elf') R67-48: (Kerr 55-9A: ((I. atropurpurea x I. jordana) x Persian Embroidery) x Clark sdlg.: ((Kerr sdlg. x Judean Cream) x (Kerr's Light Blue x (I. helenae x W-1 18)))) X Cherry Garden
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Sand Sculpture') R71-117G: (((I. korolkowii x Judean Charmer) x (I. atrofusca x I. nazarena)) x (Amulet of Ramses x (I. urmiensis derivatives x Kerr's Light Blue))) X White Lightning

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