Child plants of Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Life Behind Bars')

5 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Big hat No Cows (Karanowski '16) Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Big Hat No Cows') 0425: (0216: (Stairway to Heaven x Rippling River) x Life behind Bars) X 0331: (Starring x Secret Service)
Maiden bloom from this iris. Increased well and the color/form is Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Buttermilk and Blue Cheese') Reckless Abandon X 0550: (Life Behind Bars x 0411: (0337: (0173: (Zandria x La Valse) x Seakist) x Gypsy Lord))
Maiden bloom from iris planted in Summer/Fall 2021 Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Florence My Pet Flamingo') Pop Idol X Life Behind Bars
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Louisiana Hot Wings') #0561: (#0386: (#0318: (Perfect Gift x La Valse) x Life Behind Bars) x #0412: (#0227: (Crowd Pleaser x Starring) x #0211: (#051: (Caption x Blazing Light) x #0113: (Tanzanian Tangerine x Oh Babe)))) X Shivaree
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Zebra Butter') Sweet Geisha X Life Behind Bars

Today's site banner is by wildflowers and is called "Iris x hollandica"

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