Child plants of Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Red-Lilli')

13 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Image Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ace of Clubs') SD2857Vr: (Curio x (Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards))) X SD2682DmSp: (((Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var)))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bitsy') AMD4468: (3800: (((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x ((Star Child x (Norah x Thisbe)) x sibling)) x (unknown x ((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)))) x 3384: ((Atomic Blue x I. binata) x (Roberts 51-38 x Little Charmer))) X AMD3829: (Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x (Buttercup Charm x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion))) x (Buttercup Charm x 2562)))
Image Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bugsy') AMD4942CrBrSp: (((Louise Hopper x Puppy Love) x (Inca Toy x (sdlg x Atomic Blue))) x ((Curio x (Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards))) x ((1997A: (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x 1997G)))) X Ditto
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Clay's Caper') ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards) X Cherry Garden
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Dainty Morsel') AMD4965CrY#1: ((Little You x (Inca Toy x (BU67 x Atomic Blue))) x Tiny Cherub) X MD4733PlOrW: (((Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x SD2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x AMD2873: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562))) x (MD2888SmY: (SD2562 x Buttercup Charm) x SD2873LtY)) x (Tiny Apricot x ((SD2562 x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x MD2888SmY)))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Footlights') AMD2518B: (Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) X AMD2861: ((((Evening Storm x pumila H501) x (Sulina x Melodrama)) x ((Nest Egg x Progenitor) x (Brassie x Brownie))) x ((Regards x Cherry Garden) x (Scale Model x Brownett)))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hot Foot') SD2857Var: (Curio x (Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards))) X SD2682Var: (((Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var)))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'In Touch') Wee Me X MD5149TyPk: ((((Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x 2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2873: (Buttercup Charm x 2562))) x ((2562 x Buttercup Charm) x 2873)) x ((MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x ((MD2888YSp: (SD2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)) x Tiny Apricot))) x Tiny Cherub)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pattycake Baker Man') MD5182PkPk: (AMD4971Y2: (AMD4468: ((((Shrinking Violet x Timmie Too) x Dinky) x (unknown x ((((Norah x Thisbe) x (Frenchi x Pagoda)) x sibling) x Tulare))) x Ceremony) x Tiny Cherub) X SD4913Pk: (((3393: (2885Y: (Blonde Doll x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x ((Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm)) x ((2563-0: (Pink Cushion x Roberts 65R28) x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D)))) x SD4024PkPc: ((3393 x (MD2888YSp: (5D2562A: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion) x Buttercup Charm) x MD2873TY: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562D))) x (((2563-0 x (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x 2885) x 3393))) x (Gigglepot x SD4024PkPc))) X MD5149TyPk: (MD4733PlOrW: (((Tiny Apricot x (((Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards)) x SD2562: (Pink Amber x Pink Cushion)) x AMD2873: (Buttercup Charm x SD2562))) x (MD2888SmY: (SD2562 x Buttercup Charm) x SD2873LtY)) x (Tiny Apricot x ((SD2562 x (Frosty Lemonade x Pink Cushion)) x MD2888SmY))) x Tiny Cherub)
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pirate's Apprentice') AMD4942CrBrSp: (((Louise Hopper x Puppy Love) x (Inca Toy x (sdlg x Atomic Blue))) x ((Curio x (Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards))) x ((1997A: (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x 1997G)))) X Ditto
Image Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Red at Last') (Red-Lilli x Vindobona) x ((Paradise Pink x (Cretica x Crimea)) X (Paradise Pink x ((Cretica x Crimea) x Mama Mia))
Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Red Pixie') Red-Lilli X Albino Doll
Photo courtesy of Rainbow Iris Farm Miniature Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Trifle') AMD4942CrBrSp: (((Louise Hopper x Puppy Love) x (Inca Toy x (sdlg x Atomic Blue))) x ((Curio x (Prodigy x ((Red-Lilli x Pogo) x Regards))) x ((1997A: (Rickshaw x Lilli-Var) x Bongo) x (Russet Dot x 1997G)))) X Ditto

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