Child plants of Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Show Baby')

10 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Aloha Carnival') Dorothy Howard X 8614: (8122: (Miss Oklahoma x (Dove Wings x 7259)) x 8134: (Show Baby x ((Lenna M x Prophecy) x Dove Wings)))
Image Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Angel Fire') Miss Dolly Dollars X 8549: ((Miss Oklahoma x (Dove Wings x 7259: (6939: (Wilma V x unknown) x Little Titan))) x (Show Baby x (Lenna M x (Prophecy x Dove Wings))))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Flaming Rhythm') 8548: (Delicate Pink x ((Dove Wings x 7259: (6939: (Wilma V x unknown) x Little Titan)) x Dove Wings)) X 8134: (Show Baby x ((Lenna M x Prophecy) x Dove Wings))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Orange Motif') 8526: ((7607 x (7416 x Dove Wings)) x (Show Baby x ((Prophecy x Lenna M) x Dove Wings))) X 8527: (8211: ((Dove Wings x 7607: (6939: (Wilma V x unknown) x Little Titan)) x 7416: ((Baria x Carpathia) x Dove Wings)) x (Daisy x 7525: (Pink Cushion x Dove Wings)))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Orchid Tiers') Show Baby X Pale Suede
Image Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pink Jubilee') 8122: (Miss Oklahoma x (Dove Wings x 7259)) X 8134: (Show Baby x ((Lenna M x Prophecy) x Dove Wings))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pride and Glory') Flamingo Blues X 8134: (Show Baby x 7319: (Lenna M x (Prophecy x Dove Wings)))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sonoma Dancer') Dorothy Howard X 8614: ((Miss Oklahoma x 7607: (Dove Wings x ((Wilma V x unknown) x Little Titan))) x (Show Baby x ((Lenna M x Prophecy) x Dove Wings)))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sparkling Sky') 8523: ((7607 x ((Baria x Carpathia) x Dove Wings)) x (Daisy x 7525)) X 8549: ((Miss Oklahoma x 7607) x (Show Baby x 7666))
Standard Dwarf Bearded Iris (Iris 'Thundering Waters') 8549: ((Miss Oklahoma x 7607) x (Show Baby x 7666)) X 8134: (Show Baby x ((Lenna M x Prophecy) x Dove Wings))