Child plants of Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Radiation')

87 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Alta Sky') Radiation X Blue River
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Austral Cream') (((Lapham H-1 x Cherie) x (Cigarette x Muhl. pink)) x Pink Formal) X ((Radiation x Muhl. pink) x New Horizon))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Azure Gold') Lilac Champagne X (Rippling Waters x (7-55: (((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Hit Parade) x Palomino)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x sibling))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Baby Dreams') (Yesteryear x ((Harriet Thoreau x D. Hall 4539) x ((Hall 4405 x Radiation) x (Hall 4405 x Radiation)))) X Delicia
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Beautiful Dreamer') 79-93-1: (Coral Clouds x (((Orange Parade x Orange Creamo) x Glittering Amber) x Hayride)) X (((Touché x (((Glittering Amber x Whole Cloth) x Lilac Champagne) x (Lilac Champagne x ((Glittering Amber x Frost and Flame) x (Promising x Frost and Flame))))) x ((((Violet Fire x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x (Violet Fire x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x Crystal Flame) x Hilight)) x New Rochelle)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Belle Haven') (Radiation x Schirmer R-39) X (Foxfire x Chantilly)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Benton Cordelia') Benton Petunia X Radiation
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Blue Maxx') M68-297: (Babbling Brook x (Winter Olympics x (Lady Angie x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) X Shipshape
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Breathless') Radiation X Ballerina
Tall Bearded Iris 'Candlelight Dinner' Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Candlelight Dinner') Hamblen H64-98: ((Arctic Flame x 9-68: ((Promising x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) x sibling)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) X New Moon
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Canyonlands') 8-46: ((((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x June's Sister) x Marilyn C) X Claudia Rene
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Castanet') Flying Squadron X (Lavish Lady x Radiation)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Christmas Rubies') ((Arctic Flame x (Violet Fire x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x ((Garden Party x Fair Luzon) x Arctic Flame)) X Valentina
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cocktail Hour') M68-297: (M64-146A: ((Lady Angie x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) x Winter Olympics) x Babbling Brook) X Mystique
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Come Closer') (Happy Birthday x Radiation) X Fleeta
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cosmopolitan') ((Lilac Champagne x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Hit Parade) x Palomino))) X Commentary
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cream Crown') Ivory Charm X Radiation
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Delicato') R38-M: (Stevens 3/D 127 x ((Bright Song x Pinnacle) x (Bright Song x Radiation))) X Wine and Roses
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Delphine') (Radiation x Chantilly) X apricot seedling
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Dream Dust') (Harriet Thoreau x D. Hall 4539) X ((Hall 4405 x Radiation) x (Hall 4405 x Radiation))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Enchanted Dawn') Party Dress X Radiation
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Enchanted Violet') (Helen McGregor x Radiation) X Palomino
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Eventual') Radiation X Capitola
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fair Luzon') (Cherie x Radiation) X June Meredith
Border Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fairy Jewels') ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) X (Palomino x Muhlestein 51-11E: (Party Dress x Pink Fulfillment))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fairy Music') Radiation X Cassebeer 655
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fifth Avenue') ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) X Glittering Amber
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Fine Touch') Frances Kent X ((Pink Tower x Radiation) x Mary Randall)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Garden Party') ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) X ((Pink Tower x Radiation) x Pink Enchantment)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Gay Adventure') (Helen McGregor x Radiation) X Palomino
Intermediate Bearded Iris (Iris 'Genie') Doriot A 32-37: (I. mellita x pink sdlg.) X H56-101 (((54-3-1 small pink x ((Pink Tower x Radiation) x (Fuchsia x Pink Enchantment)) x (Cathedral Bells x Pink Enchantment)))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Gift of Dreams') Sophistication X H79-111M: (74-50C: ((Touché x (((Glittering Amber x Whole Cloth) x Lilac Champagne) x (Lilac Champagne x ((Glittering Amber x Frost and Flame) x (Promising x Frost and Flame))))) x ((((Violet Fire x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x (Violet Fire x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x Crystal Flame) x Hilight)) x New Rochelle)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Golden Chord') ((Desert Song x (Vatican Purple x Cherie)) x Pretty Carol) X (Monique x (((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x (Palomino x Muhlestein 51-11E: (Party Dress x Pink Fulfillment))))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Golden Ice') (L 59-2: (Radiation x Lap E 8) x I 77-1: (Apricotta x Galatea)) X Glittering Amber
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hermosa Haven') (Snow Carnival x Radiation) X Rose Sails
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ice Sculpture') ((Golden Stairs x (Queen's Lace x (Babson E61-1 x Figurine))) x Morning Breeze) X M. Dunn 64-167: (Winter Olympics x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ike Baby') Radiation X Blue River
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Intoxication') One Desire X (Radiation x Breathless)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Iridescence') Sdlg 47-hA: (45-8B x Pink Cameo) X Radiation
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Jolly Jumbuk') Show Biz X 82-75D: (((70-61M: ((((((Helen McGregor x Pink Formal) x Happy Birthday) x Hamblen H53-27E: ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) x Glittering Amber) x Rippling Waters) x Sunset Snows) x (66-72D: ((((Party Dress x Ethereal Minstrel) x Palomino) x (Happy Birthday x Whole Cloth)) x ((Happy Birthday x Whole Cloth) x Hamblen H53-27E)) x (Melodrama x Rippling Waters))) x (70-61M x (70-61M x 70-59A: (66-72J x ((Mary Randall x Melodrama) x ((Happy Birthday x Hamblen H53-27E) x (Happy Birthday x Whole Cloth))))))) x ((70-61F x 70-59A) x (70-61M x 70-59A)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Lavendula') Yesteryear X sdlg. 5265: ((Harriet Thoreau x D. Hall 4539) x ((Hall 4405 x Radiation) x (Hall 4405 x Radiation)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Le Cygne') H81-24A: (Sophistication x H74-50C: ((Touché x Misty Dawn) x (((Violet Fire x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x (Violet Fire x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x Crystal Flame) x Hilight))) X Nancy Glazier
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Lute Song') ((Honeyflow x Sea Shell) x (Honeyflow x Sea Shell)) x self) X (Radiation x Pink Sensation)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Macquarie Heights') (Spindrift x California Rose) X (Radiation x Strathmore)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Maori Legend') (((Charm x Redmayne) x Caribbean Treasure) x (Hall pink sdlg x Radiation)) X (((Searchlight x Golden Majesty) x ((Golden Hind x Firelight) x Royal Sovereign))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Margaret McCormick') Oriental Pearl X flamingo sdlg: (Radiation x apricot sdlg)
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Mary D') Sophistication X 79-111 M: (((Touché x (((Glittering Amber x Whole Cloth) x Lilac Champagne) x (Lilac Champagne x ((Glittering Amber x Frost and Flame) x (Promising x Frost and Flame))))) x ((((Violet Fire x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x (Violet Fire x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x Crystal Flame) x Hilight)) x New Rochelle)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'May Melody') (((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x June's Sister) X Cotlet
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'McKay') (Sugarplum Fairy x Heavenly Harmony) X ((((((((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x June's Sister) x Fifth Avenue) x Rippling Waters) x Crystal Flame) x Cloud Crest) x Snowblaze)
Arilbred Iris (Iris 'Must Have') (Radiation x Mary Randall) X Capitola
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'New Rochelle') (Lilac Champagne x (Rippling Waters x ((Promising x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) x sibling))) X (Lilac Champagne x (Fair Luzon x Garden Party))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Old Time Religion') Wayward Angel X (((((Lilac Champagne x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Hit Parade) x Palomino))) x Commentary) x Color Rich) x (Oddball x (Lovely Light x (((Lilac Champagne x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Hit Parade) x Palomino))) x Commentary))))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Olga') Ballerina X Radiation
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Opal Melody') ((Courtier x Radiation) x Melody Lane) X 0. Brown sdlg.
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Orange Parade') ((Pink Tower x Radiation) x Pink Formal) X (Palomino x June's Sister)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Orchid Lullaby') New Snow X Radiation
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Orient Pink') Radiation X sdlg 4910: (Hall 42-05 x Pathfinder)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pale Candlelight') (Harriet Thoreau x Hall 4539) X ((Hall 4405 x Radiation) x (Hall 4405 x Radiation))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Personality Plus') Angela Borgia X Radiation
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pink Panoply') Paradise Pink X Radiation
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pink Petty') (Radiation x Strathmore) X Pink Formal
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pink Roger') ((Lapham Hi x Cherie) x (Cigarette x Tell sdlg.)) X (Radiation x Strathmore)
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pink Sapphire') 78-117A: (((Tipperary x Lilac Flame) x Dream Lover) x ((((Sunset Blues x Marvalon) x Panoramic) x Shipshape) x (Nobleman x ((Fountain Blue x High Heels) x (Fountain Blue x Katherine J. McLain))))) X 78-46A: (72-23D: (((((Violet Fire x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x (Violet Fire x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x Crystal Flame) x Hilight) x ((D. Waters P-51 pink x (Fair Luzon x Garden Party)) x (((((Cherie x Radiation) x Salmon Shell) x (Rosedale x Pink Enchantment)) x Garden Party) x Adorable You))) x Windsor Rose)
Gorgeous color Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pompano Peach') ((Radiation x Lapham F-8) x (Apricotta x Buffawn) X M170-A: (inv. sdlgs. x Mary Randall)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pretty Carol') (Pink Tower x Radiation) X Mary Randall
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Pretty Nancy') ((Gay Adventure x Fair Luzon) x Rippling Waters) X (Rippling Waters x ((Promising x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) x sibling))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Promising') (Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) X ((Helen McGregor x Hit Parade) x Palomino)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Prosit') GG 1262-1: (DD 1272-1: (Alpine Journey x AA 1275-1: (Sun Dappled x T 1112-A: (M 685: (G 1092-Z: (Luihn 67-29 x A989-3: ((L59-2 x Glittering Amber) x (N77-1 x Glittering Amber))) x E 483-1: (Maudie Marie x Y 1307-A: (Fairy Rose x Rippling Waters))) x M 1055-1: (H 104A: (C 1326-13: (W 1012-A: (N 96-1: (K 63-A: (I 48-2: (Peach Meringue x Cherry Flip) x I 12-Z: (Buffawn sdlg x Cherry Flip)) x L 274-A: (I 638: (Pink Cameo x Pinnacle) x I 43-C: (Bright Song x Radiation))) x R 38-A: (Stevens 3/D 127 x O 1-1: (I 12-A x L 274-1))) x Twilight Harmony) x E 165-1: (T 159-A: (R 38-M x R 38-H) x Shoop 62-14)) x E 863-1: (Christmas Time x Snowline))))) x BB 1738-1: (Echo de France x Y 561-A: (S 953-2: (M 633-F: (H 761-A: (D 1158-B: (Y 1290-BB: (R 116-3, Imperial Lilac sib, x Arctic Flame) x White Taffeta) x Launching Pad) x K 1250-A: (E 568-4: (Lightning Ridge x B 948-8: (Wine and Roses x Gypsy Lullaby)) x H 761-B)) x Tulip Festival) x R 744-F: (K 872-C: (G 1365-2: (May Melody x Launching Pad) x Craig #37) x K 1119-C: (G 792-A: (Y 1261-AA: (R 127-9: (M 1212-1, unknown, x Snowy Heron) x T 917-B: (Mary Randall x Amethyst Flame)) x A 424-4: (S 803-A: (M 728-B: (Inca Chief x Lady Albright) x N 966-1: (L 356-B: (Miogem x Oriental Glory) x L 359-A: (Color Glo x Savage))) x R 965-1: (L 333-B: (Halolight x Inca Chief) x L 312-1, Brass Accents sib))) x Louise Watts))))) X FF 1058-1: (CC 788-A: (1980-A, unknown, x AA 722-C: (W 621-A: (T 842-A: (M 973-A: (G 792-2 x G 544-B: (B 875-AA, Lilac Haze sib, x B 787-4: (Lilac Snow x Lilac Supreme))) x K 390-H: (Meggie x G 635-1: (B 410-3, Carnaby sib, x D 437-A: (W 813-A: (P 806-M: (Alpenrose x Amethyst Flame) x Prairie Clover) x Claudia Rene)))) x Hula Girl) x W 295-A: (Hula Girl x P 544-B: (1974 #29, unknown, x G 1381-B: (C1506-A, Moon Glimmer sib, x Royal Gold))))) x 1989 #55, unknown)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Radiant Sun') (((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x Graduation Gift) X (((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x (Palomino x Muhlestein 51-11E: (Party Dress x Pink Fulfillment))) x Gaulter 57-44: (Frances Kent x Temple Bells)
Border Bearded Iris (Iris 'Robby') ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) X Graduation Gift
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Rosabelle V') 71 -56A: (((((Fashion Show x Melodrama) x (Garden Party x (Convention Queen x Blue Clif))) x (Dawn Flight x Fair Luzon)) x (((Violet Fire x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x (Violet Fire x *((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x ((Garden Party x Fair Luzon) x Arctic Flame))) x Cloverdale) X 71-34A: (Cherry Accent x Tiburon)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Rose-Haven') Radiation X C. O. Schirmer sdlg. R39
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sherpa') Zantha X Radiation
Border Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sienna Star') (((Violet Fire x (Fashion Show x Melodrama)) x (Violet Fire x ((Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)))) x Crystal Flame) X Hilight
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Snowline') R 37-E: (Stevens 3/D127 x N 28-1: (K18-B: (I12-1: (Buffawn sdlg x Cherry Flip) x Marlow Marvel) x L 275-A: (I 638: (Pink Cameo x Pinnacle) x I43-C: (Bright Song x Radiation) X R 38-M: (Stevens 3/D127 x O 1-1 (L 12-1 x L 275-A)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Stylelite') B67-238: ((Goodness x Celestial Snow) x ((Lady Angie x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) x Winter Olympics)) X M64-167A: (((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x Winter Olympics)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sub-Deb') Sdlg 47-6A: (Dream Girl x sdlg 1-46, Washington) X Radiation
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Super Pink') June Meredith X (Happy Birthday x Radiation)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Sweet Harmony') (Harriet Thoreau x Hall 4539) X ((Hall 4405 x Radiation) x (Hall 4405 x Radiation))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Swift River') Hinkle X-4: (Lasata x Daisy Powell) X 9-64: ((Anembo x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)) x Rippling Waters)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Terrific') (Radiation x Fairday) X Radiation
Photo courtesy of Bluebird Haven Iris Garden Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Threshold') 60-141: ((Fashion Show x Mary Randall x Pink Enchantment)) x (Melodrama x 60-48: (tangerine bearded blue inv. Palomino, Helen McGregor, Hit Parade, Radiation, Great Lakes) X ((((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino) x June's Sister) x Fifth Avenue))
Image from 1974 Schreiner's catalog Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Tipperary') Threshold X 62-20-1: (((Rippling Waters x Promising) x (Rippling Waters x Promising)) x ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino))
Photo courtesy of Bluebird Haven Iris Garden Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Valimar') (Helen McGregor x Radiation) X Palomino
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Violet Fire') (Palomino x (Radiation x Great Lakes)) X ((Helen McGregor x Radiation) x Palomino)
Photo courtesy of Bluebird Haven Iris Garden Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Winged Fuchsia') Radiation X Pink Formal
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Yesteryear') (Harriet Thoreau x D. Hall 4539) X ((Hall 4405 x Radiation) x (Hall 4405 x Radiation))

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