Child plants of Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Coffee House')

44 found:

Thumb of Child Child Cultivar Cultivar's Parentage
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Almaden') F7: (Brandy x Coffee House) X H70: ((Brandy x (Caliente x Pink Angel)) x Royal Premiere)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Amplified') 92-102Y4: ((Quito x (85-199L: (82-78V4: (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x 80-46: ((Financier x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))) x ((Flareup x Indian Territory) x 76-37F))) x Guadalajara) x 85-27bo: (83-82M: ((((Creme de Creme x Financier) x (Ballet in Orange x Coffee House)) x 76-229M: (73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)) x Flareup)) x Cafe Society) x Guadalajara))) x Forbidden Fruit) X 93-109H3: (Dawning x Royal Honey)
Image courtesy of Blue J Iris Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Battle Hymn') Marauder X 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bogota') 83-82M: ((((Creme de Creme x Financier) x (Ballet in Orange x Coffee House)) x 76-229M: (73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)) x Flareup)) x Cafe Society) X Guadalajara
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Brown Ribbons') Olympic Torch X Coffee House
photo by: Penny Duval Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Buffer Zone') 2116-1: (Coffee House x 1016-2: (Dutch Chocolate x Conversation Piece)) X 3277-1: (Glazed Gold x Catalyst)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Bygone Era') 82-16G3: (((72-92R: ((Ponderosa x Debby Rairdon) x (Show Time x San Leandro)) x 72-88R: ((Ponderosa x New Moon) x Aloha)) x 76-90Q: ((Princess x (Pink Sleigh x (Opening Round x Champagne Music))) x (Louise Watts x (Ghost Story x Ponderosa)))) x 79-154S: ((((Sorcerer's Apprentice x Sea of Stars) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Crystal Dawn) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x Crystal Dawn))) X 82-30R: (80-70: ((((Malaysia x Coffee House) x unknown) x 76-257Z: (Entourage x Homecoming Queen)) x 76-181J: (((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon)) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cafe Ole') Memoirs X 83-82M: ((((Creme de Creme x Financier) x (Ballet in Orange x Coffee House)) x (73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)) x Flareup)) x Cafe Society)
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Caracas') 83-82M: ((((Creme de Creme x Financier) x (Ballet in Orange x Coffee House)) x (73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)) x Flareup)) x Cafe Society) X Guadalajara
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Cover Page') 92-150U3: (Battle Royal x ((84-133C3: ((Lady Friend x (Flareup x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x (Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x 84-166J2: (Cafe Society x (Cinnamon x (76-110L: ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x (Reta Fry x New Moon)))) x (Anointed x San Jose))))) x Heat Pump)) X 92-305L3: (Battle Royal x ((84-133C3 x ((Homecoming Queen x 76-110BB) x (80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J: (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-208: ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))))))) x 88-129-R2: ((82-135-T4: (Just Married x Caption) x 82-16G: (((72-92R: ((Ponderosa x Debby Rairdon) x (Show Time x San Leandro)) x 72-88R: ((Ponderosa x New Moon) x Aloha)) x ((Princess x (Pink Sleigh x (Opening Round x Champagne Music))) x (Louise Watts x (Ghost Story x Ponderosa)))) x ((((Sorcerer's Apprentice x Sea of Stars) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Crystal Dawn) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x Crystal Dawn)))) x Lightning Bolt))))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Dawning') 88-151-A2: (((80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J: (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-208: ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))))) x Montevideo) x Peach Bisque) X 87-43gr: ((82-78V4: (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x 80-46: ((Financier x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))) x ((Flareup x Indian Territory) x 76-37F))) x Guadalajara) x Black Hills Gold)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Different Flavors') 92-150U3: (Battle Royal x ((84-133C3: ((Lady Friend x (Flareup x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x (Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x 84-166J2: (Cafe Society x (Cinnamon x (76-110L: ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x (Reta Fry x New Moon)))) x (Anointed x San Jose))))) x Heat Pump)) X 92-305L3: (Battle Royal x ((84-133C3 x ((Homecoming Queen x 76-110BB) x (80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J: (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-208: ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))))))) x 88-129-R2: ((82-135-T4: (Just Married x Caption) x 82-16G: (((72-92R: ((Ponderosa x Debby Rairdon) x (Show Time x San Leandro)) x 72-88R: ((Ponderosa x New Moon) x Aloha)) x ((Princess x (Pink Sleigh x (Opening Round x Champagne Music))) x (Louise Watts x (Ghost Story x Ponderosa)))) x ((((Sorcerer's Apprentice x Sea of Stars) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Crystal Dawn) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x Crystal Dawn)))) x Lightning Bolt))))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Enhancement') 88-153 pink coral: (((82-78V4: (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x 80-46: ((Financier x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))) x ((Flareup x Indian Territory) x 76-37F))) x Guadalajara) x Guadalajara) x Caracas) X 88-114-R2: ((Montevideo x Guadalajara) x Peach Bisque)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ennoble') 91-112Z: (88-90B: (((Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman))) x (((Ballet in Orange x Coffee House) x (73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)) x Flareup)) x (((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x (((Praline x Lady Friend) x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (69-177T x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen) x (Entourage x Homecoming Queen)) x (((Indian Territory x Countryman) x 76-110L: ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x (Reta Fry x New Moon))))) x ((Entourage x Homecoming Queen) x Mulled Wine)))) x Battle Royal) X 92-305T: (Battle Royal x ((((Lady Friend x (Flareup x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x (Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x ((Homecoming Queen x 76-110B) x (80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J: (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-208: ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))))))) x (((Just Married x Caption) x (((72-92R: ((Ponderosa x Debby Rairdon) x (Show Time x San Leandro)) x 72-88R: ((Ponderosa x New Moon) x Aloha)) x ((Princess x (Pink Sleigh x (Opening Round x Champagne Music))) x (Louise Watts x (Ghost Story x Ponderosa)))) x ((((Sorcerer's Apprentice x Sea of Stars) x (69-177T: (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Crystal Dawn) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x Crystal Dawn)))) x Lightning Bolt)))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ethel M. Clarke') Cream Taffeta X Coffee House
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Gold Country') 79-95: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)) X Speculator
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Goldkist') 85150A: ((Coffee House x Hombre) x (Old Flame x Instant Charm)) X 8774A: (Porcelain Ballet x ((Amigo's Guitar x Gaulter 68-593: (Laurie x San Leandro)) x Entourage))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Grape Expectations') K11B: (F7A: (Brandy x Coffee House) x F89B: (Seeing Red x Maroon Bells)) X U114A: ((Midnight Special x E34C: ((Prophecy x Gypsy Belle) x Intuition)) x S112A: (Danger x Austrian Garnets))
Image from 1989 Bay View catalog Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Guadalajara') 80-70: ((((Malaysia x Coffee House) x unknown) x 76-257Z: (Entourage x Homecoming Queen)) x 76-181J: (((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon)) x Homecoming Queen)) X 80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J)
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Hobo Heaven') H113A: (Honey Mocha x Coffee House) X Norwegian Wood
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Juan Valdez') Honey Mocha X Coffee House
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Lanai') Enhancement X 89-11P2: (87-134Y: (Esmeralda x ((((Veneer sibling x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x sibling) x (Tropica sibling x ((Flareup x Indian Territory) x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))))) x ((((Flareup x 73-122Z) x 76-37F) x (Preface sibling x (Old Flame x Pink Angel))) x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen) x Orangerie)))) x 86-117F3: ((Winning Note x Caption sibling) x Memoirs))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Manna') 92-72G4: (Enhancement x (Peach Bisque x Bogota)) X 92-139: (88-157N2: ((82-78V4: (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x 80-46: ((Financier x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))) x ((Flareup x Indian Territory) x 76-37F))) x Guadalajara) x Caracas) x 90-100S: (88-151-A2: (((80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J: (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-208: ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))))) x Montevideo) x Peach Bisque) x 87-43gr: ((82-78V4: (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x 80-46: ((Financier x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))) x ((Flareup x Indian Territory) x 76-37F))) x Guadalajara) x Black Hills Gold)))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Marauder') (73-160 red: (Capitation x Coffee House) x Spartan) X Cherry Smoke
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Mogul') 82-78V4: (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (80-181Z: (((Malaysia x 71-19C: (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x 80-46: ((Financier x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))) x ((Flareup x Indian Territory) x 76-37F))) X Guadalajara
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Nita Clarke Bauer') Cream Taffeta X Coffee House
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Orange Flirt') H108Bst: (Fresno Frolic x Hindenburg) X J22D: (Hindenburg x (Homecoming Queen x Coffee House))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Originality') (74-96A: (Coffee House x Carolina Honey) x 76-153D: ((Carolina Honey x Malaysia) x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))) X Praline
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Osaka') 83-73K: (Success Story x (Fancy Tales x Alpine Castle)) X 83-33G: (((Entourage x (Carved Cameo x Louise Watts)) x (73-160 red: (Capitation x Coffee House) x Spartan x Cherry Smoke)) x Bristo Magic)
Photo courtesy of Pleasants Valley Iris Farm Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Picante') 90-102K: (Quito x (((((Louise Watts x (Ghost Story x Ponderosa)) x 76-37F: (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)))) x (Blaze of Fire x 76-37F)) x ((((Flareup x 73-122Z) x 76-37F) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x (Old Flame x Pink Angel))) x (76-110B x Toastmaster))) x Caracas)) X 90-132B: ((((Lady Friend x (Flareup x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x (Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x ((Homecoming Queen x 76-110B: ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z)) x (80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J: (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-208: ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))))))) x (((Just Married x Caption) x 82-16G3: (((72-92R: ((Ponderosa x Debby Rairdon) x (Show Time x San Leandro)) x 72-88R: ((Ponderosa x New Moon) x Aloha)) x 76-90Q: ((Princess x (Pink Sleigh x (Opening Round x Champagne Music))) x (Louise Watts x (Ghost Story x Ponderosa)))) x 79-154S: ((((Sorcerer's Apprentice x Sea of Stars) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Crystal Dawn) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x Crystal Dawn)))) x Lightning Bolt))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ransom Note') 92-150U3: (Battle Royal x ((84-133C3: ((Lady Friend x (Flareup x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x (Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x 84-166J2: (Cafe Society x (Cinnamon x (76-110L: ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x (Reta Fry x New Moon)))) x (Anointed x San Jose))))) x Heat Pump)) X 92-305L3: (Battle Royal x ((84-133C3 x ((Homecoming Queen x 76-110BB) x (80-80P: (Orangerie x 76-181J: (((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x (((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen)) x 80-208: ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))))))) x 88-129-R2: ((82-135-T4: (Just Married x Caption) x 82-16G: (((72-92R: ((Ponderosa x Debby Rairdon) x (Show Time x San Leandro)) x 72-88R: ((Ponderosa x New Moon) x Aloha)) x ((Princess x (Pink Sleigh x (Opening Round x Champagne Music))) x (Louise Watts x (Ghost Story x Ponderosa)))) x ((((Sorcerer's Apprentice x Sea of Stars) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Crystal Dawn) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x Crystal Dawn)))) x Lightning Bolt))))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Raw Honey') 1-8-1: (Light of Love x Tawny Mink) X Coffee House
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Regimen') 92-21: (((Stratagem x Bygone Era) x (Caracas x (Fortunata x ((78-221J: ((Flareup x 73-122Z) x (Ballet in Orange x 73-122Z)) x ((Entourage x Mandolin) x (Old Flame x Pink Angel))) x (76-181J: ((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen) x Orangerie))))) x ((((Lady Friend x (Flareup x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x (Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x (((Praline x Lady Friend) x (76-181J x (Entourage x Homecoming Queen))) x (((Creme de Creme x Financier) x ((Ballet in Orange x Coffee House) x (73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)) x Flareup))) x Cafe Society))) x Quito)) X 92-71F2: (Enhancement x (((Just Married x Caption) x (Designer Gown x (78-221U x ((Artiste x Tupelo Honey) x ((Malaysia x Carolina Honey) x 73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x (Reta Fry x New Moon)))))))) x Winning Smile))
Photo courtesy of Blue J Iris. Used with permission. Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Ritual') Engaging X 90-129I: (87-101V: ((84-133-C3: (Lady Friend x (Flareup x (Capitation x Coffee House))) x (Marauder x 79-95H: (76-1271: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x (Capitation x Coffee House)) x (Indian Territory x Countryman)))) x Court Martial) x (84-133-C3 x (((Praline x Lady Friend) x ((((Ponderosa x Honey Rae) x ((((Commentary x Claudia Rene) x Claudia Rene) x Ponderosa) x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x Homecoming Queen) x (Entourage x Homecoming Queen))) x ((((Creme de Creme x Financier) x ((Ballet in Orange x Coffee House) x (73-122Z: (Hi Top x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)) x Flareup))) x Cafe Society)))))
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Roller Coaster') Coffee House X Hombre
Photo courtesy of Bluebird Haven Iris Garden Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'San Jose') Coffee House X ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Spanish Eminence') Brown Eminence X Coffee House
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Speculator') 76-247N: (Coffee House x (Hi Top x 70-53P: ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))) X Well Endowed
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Stradivarius') Ghio 76-115: ((Malaysia x (Show Time x (Ponderosa x New Moon))) x San Jose) X E9A: ((West Coast x Sunny Delight) x Coffee House)
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Street Dancer') Magic Man X Coffee House
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Toasted Almond') Pink Angel X Coffee House
Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Toastmaster') 74-96A: (Coffee House x Carolina Honey) X 76-153D: ((Carolina Honey x Malaysia) x ((Ponderosa x Travel On) x Peace Offering))
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Union Pacific') Shahrohk Mahrohki X Coffee House
Image Tall Bearded Iris (Iris 'Wild West') Malaysia X Coffee House

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