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Wax Vine (Hoya Adrift™)
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa Silver Moon)
Wax Plant (Hoya imperialis 'Alba')
Wax Plant (Hoya kerrii 'Albomarginata')
Wax Plant (Hoya macrophylla 'Bai Bua')
Wax Plant (Hoya erythrina 'Bajo')
Wax Plant (Hoya 'Ban Ngong Ngoy')
Wax Plant (Hoya myrmecopa 'Big Leaves')
Wax Plant (Hoya krohniana 'Black')
Wax Plant (Hoya pubicalyx 'Black Dragon')
Wax Plant (Hoya verticillata 'Black Margin')
Hoya 'Black Star'
Wax Plant (Hoya archboldiana 'Bold Eagle')
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Brazil')
Wax Plant (Hoya pubicalyx 'Bright One')
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Chelsea')
Wax Plant (Hoya verticillata 'Chiang Mai')
Wax Plant (Hoya 'Chicken Farm')
Hoya 'Chouke'
Hoya 'Christine'
Hindu Rope Hoya (Hoya carnosa 'Compacta')
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Compacta Regalis')
Wax Plant (Hoya verticillata 'Cooper's Creek')
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Dee's Big One')
Wax Plant (Hoya 'Dr. Ibok')
Wax Plant (Hoya pubicalyx 'Royal Hawaiian Purple')
Wax Plant (Hoya krohniana 'Super Silver')
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Freckled Splash')
Wax Plant (Hoya blashernaezii subsp. valmayoriana)
Wax Plant (Hoya lamingtoniae)
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Krinkle Kurl')
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Mauna Loa')
Wax Plant (Hoya carnosa 'Variegata')
Wax Plant (Hoya macrophylla 'Variegata')
Wax Plant (Hoya australis subsp. australis)
Wax Plant (Hoya incrassata 'Moonshadow')
Hoya 'Noelle'
Wax Plant (Hoya lacunosa 'Eskimo')
Wax Plant (Hoya lacunosa 'Sno Caps')
Wax Plant (Hoya australis 'Sunnyside Up')

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