General Plant Information (Edit)
Plant Habit: Tree
Life cycle: Perennial
Sun Requirements: Full Sun
Water Preferences: Mesic
Minimum cold hardiness: Zone 9a -6.7 °C (20 °F) to -3.9 °C (25 °F)
Plant Height: Up to 10-25 feet
Plant Spread: Up to 4-6 feet
Leaves: Deciduous
Flower Color: Green
Other: Greenish yellow
Suitable Locations: Patio/Ornamental/Small Tree
Resistances: Drought tolerant
Propagation: Other methods: Cuttings: Stem
Containers: Suitable in 3 gallon or larger
Needs excellent drainage in pots
Miscellaneous: With thorns/spines/prickles/teeth
Conservation status: Least Concern (LC)

Conservation status:
Conservation status: Least Concern
Common names
  • Madagascar Ocotillo
  • Arbre Pieuvre
  • Malagasy Ocotillo
  • Madagascan Ocotillo

Photo Gallery
Location: Baja California
Date: 2024-10-01
Rooted cutting, 4 months old. Top half is new since June
Location: Baja California
Date: 2023-07-26
Two kinds of leaves
Location: Jardin Exotique & Botanique  Roscoff, Brittany, France
Date: 2023-08-29
Location: Baja California
Date: 2023-08-22
Location: Missouri Botanical Garden in St Louis
Date: 2024-11-01
Location: Baja California
Date: 2023-09-15
Rooted cutting, 3 months after the cut
Location: Baja California
Date: 2022-10-19
Leaves on new growth are tiny and short lived
Location: Baja California
Date: 2022-10-19
Location: San Diego Botanic Garden
Date: 2018-07-15
Location: Baja California
Date: 2023-09-28
Beheaded 3 months ago
Uploaded by mcvansoest
Location: San Diego Botanic Garden
Date: 2018-07-15

photo credit: H. Zell
Location: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 2009-03-28
Location: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 2009-03-28
Location: Southwest Florida
Date: fall 2011
A full-grown specimen
Location: San Antonio Botanical Garden, San Antonio, Texas
Date: 2022-04-04
Uploaded by mcvansoest
Location: University of California Botanical Garden.
Date: April
photo by Stan Shebs
Location: Marie Selby Botanical Gardens
Date: April 6 2022
Location: Botanical Garden Meise (Belgium)
Date: 2017-02-11

photo credit: H. Zell
Location: Botanical Garden Meise (Belgium)
Date: 2017-02-11
Location: Howard Peters Rawlings Conservatory, Baltimore, Maryland
Date: 2017-02-01
Location: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 2009-03-28
Location: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 2009-03-28
Location: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 2009-03-28
Uploaded by robertduval14
Location: Baja California
Date: 2024-07-20
A month or so after its second annual decapitation, now a 7 heade
Location: The Victorian PCM
Date: Aug 14
Location: Baja California
Date: 2023-07-06
Branching after beheading
Location: University of California Botanical Garden.
Date: April
photo by Stan Shebs
Location: Southern California
Date: June 2014
Location: Home
Date: 2011-10-05
stem segment with small leaves
Location: Home
Date: 2011-10-05
new stem cutting being rooted
Location: Botanical Garden Meise (Belgium)
Date: 2017-02-11
Location: St Louis Daffodil Show (Mobot)
Date: 2018-03-31
before leaves come out
Location: Conservatory, Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor
Date: 2018-04-19
Didiereaceae:  Alluaudia procera - buds.  Fortunately for me, the
Location: Matthaei Botanical Gardens, Ann Arbor, MI
Date: 2009-03-28
Location: Los Angeles Arboretum, Arcadia, California
Date: 2014-04-05
Location: Missouri Botanical Garden (Mobot) in St Louis
Date: 2016-06-18
Location: Missouri Botanical Garden (Mobot) in St Louis
Date: 2016-06-18
Location: Monte juic
Date: 2019-04-25
Dormant plant , with damaged groth tip
Location: 98108
Date: 2013-03-21
upright thorny plant at back
Location: Southern California
Date: June 2014
Location: Tampa, FL
Date: 2016-01-26
At USF Botanical Gardens
Location: Tampa, FL
Date: 2016-01-26
At USF Botanical Gardens
This plant is tagged in:

  • Posted by Baja_Costero (Baja California - Zone 11b) on Oct 19, 2022 1:38 PM concerning plant:
    Spiny tree from Madagascar with an unusual Seussian habit (especially if left unpruned). The most common member of this genus in cultivation. Dramatic seasonality, usually associated with summer-fall growth and winter rest. Provide regular water during growth and maybe hold back a bit during rest (but year round water in moderation works great in our mild climate). This plant is often cultivated with spiny succulents from Madagascar like the crown of thorns and the tree Pachypodiums. It is entirely compatible with the succulent lifestyle and does very well in containers (up to a certain size/age, anyway).

    The common name Madagascar ocotillo references the similarities between this plant (as well as other members of its genus) and the North American ocotillos (Fouquieria spp., especially F. splendens). Both plants produce long, narrow stems studded with fierce spines guarding the leaves; both tend to show dramatic seasonality in their growth pattern; both produce two different types of leaves: the ones associated with new growth are small and short lived, while the ones associated with older growth (the only ones you typically see unless you look closely at the tips) are larger, appear in pairs on this species, and have a sideways orientation. Drought tolerance in both groups is associated with the loss of leaves.

    This plant is very easy to propagate from cuttings (time this activity for early summer) and will typically/often branch after beheading. In this way propagation can be entirely sustainable. Or selective annual pruning can be used to transform the tree-like habit to more of a spiny bush.
  • Posted by SongofJoy (Clarksville, TN - Zone 6b) on Oct 5, 2011 3:29 PM concerning plant:
    This plant has a conservation status of "Near Threatened" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. While not currently qualified for the threatened status, it may be considered threatened with extinction in the near future.

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