Plant Habit: | Cactus/Succulent |
Life cycle: | Perennial |
Sun Requirements: | Full Sun |
Leaves: | Evergreen |
Fruit: | Dehiscent |
Flowers: | Showy |
Suitable Locations: | Xeriscapic |
Uses: | Will Naturalize |
Resistances: | Deer Resistant Drought tolerant |
Toxicity: | Other: The juice from many species of agave can cause acute contact dermatitis that produces reddening and blistering lasting approximately one to two weeks. Itching may recur up to a year later without a visible rash. Dried parts of the plants can be handled sa |
Propagation: Seeds: | Can handle transplanting Other info: Sow in shallow pots with a well draining, sterile mix; 50/50 organic/inorganic of coarse perlite, pumice; sphagnum peat or good compost. Avoid manures. Irrigate from below by submerging in water to 1/2 height of pot. Provide bright, indirect light and a |
Propagation: Other methods: | Cuttings: Stem Offsets Other: Bulbils |
Containers: | Suitable in 3 gallon or larger Needs excellent drainage in pots |
Miscellaneous: | Tolerates poor soil With thorns/spines/prickles/teeth |
Awards and Recognitions: | RHS AGM |
Conservation status: | Least Concern (LC) |
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